Hi! I'm not being able to use my RX 6500 XT, due to what appear to be a drivers issue in Windows 10. I'm using a Ryzen 5 5600G on an ASUS PRIME A520M-K motherboard with a 650w 80 plus bronze power supply. I have a monitor connected to the graphics card, and a second monitor connected to the motherboard (because i have enabled iGPU Multi-Monitor in the BIOS). (Also, sorry for my bad english, because i originnaly speak spanish).
I bought this graphica card less than a year ago and it worked fine until a few days ago when i was playing Trailmakers and it suddenly crashed and stoped giving signal on the main monitor (the one connected to the Graphics Card). An Adrenaline message also showed up:
It's in spanish, but it says: "AMD software detected that the waiting time on one of the drivers run out". And then the screen i connect to the Graphics Card doesn't show any image. It's just a black screen.
Also when i look on Adrenaline (when i can do it, because sometimes it throws a message wich says that Graphic drivers are not compatible with the Adrenaline Edition) the Graphic card is not being recognized. Only the integrated graphics of Ryzen 5 5600G appear there.
I tried removing the graphics drivers with AMD Cleanup Utility and then the screen appeared correctly (with the generic Windows video drivers), but when i installed the AMD drivers it crashed again as you can see in the video below (the one on the left is the monitor connected to the Graphics Card, and the one at the right is the mother's):
Also, when i go to see the dvecies manager, the graphics card driver gets a warning. But there's no update available, the latest one is already installed.
I tried running windows 10 from zero on a new separate disk partition, but it does the same thing.
I don't know what the problem could be and i don't know what else to try. I really appreaciate any help and thanks in advance 🙏.
Does it log anything in Windows Event viewer (System)?
I get this log under System logs when the driver crashes to black screen:
"Display driver amduw23g stopped responding and has successfully recovered."
Thanks for answering my question. Yes, i got the following warning: "El controlador de pantalla amdwddmg dejó de responder y se recuperó correctamente.". My system is in spanish, but it is something like yours "Display driver amdwddmg stopped responding and has successfully recovered".
And right next to it i get this error (not a warning, an error): "Se agotó el tiempo de espera (30000 ms) para la respuesta de transacción del servicio ArmouryCrateService." (I'm not sure what the equivalent English translation would be for this error).
This is how it looks:
This seems more and more to be AMD driver related.
There are a lot people experiencing this problem.
Did you submit a bug report via the AMD Bug Report tool?
That's all we can really do I think.
I tried all sorts of things to try to fix it:
It still happens and just happens randomly for me.
Woah! You tried in many ways! I wass thinking I tried a llot of things, but now i see i was really wrong :')
Yeah, it seems to be a common issue with AMD RX graphics cards. But when i watch videos or forums on how to solve this issue, i see that the common behavior is that the graphic card displays video for a minutes, and then it crashed randomly when opening a game or while working. Is that the behavior you are experiencing? Because in my case it fails from the start of the system. On the lock screen.
Yes, i also tried submitting a bug report using the AMD Bug Report tool. I hope it works.
Oh! As i said in the beggining, i also tried creating a new Windows 10 partition, but that didn't work either. Another thing to keep in mind 😕
The "The version of AMD Software that you have launched is not compatible with your currently installed AMD graphics driver" problem can be fixed temporarily by installing an older version of Adrenaline. The 23.2.1 worked for me, but I'm afraid that if I update it, it will probably crash again 😕 . At least it works to test if the graphics card is being recognized by Adrenaline. (By the way, it is not being recognized). But the main problem with the graphics card didn't solved with that. It still crashes when the OS loads.
hi furyko, how are you?
Voy a hablarte en español ya que leí que hablas español.
Pudiste arreglar el inconveniente? ya que a mí me está pasando lo mismo, he desactualizado los drivers y tampoco me funcionaba, ahora en un rato probaré con la versión que me has dicho pero necesito que me contactes ya que también estoy pasando por lo mismo y estoy re preocupado.
Hola ramavillaa! Cómo estás? Gracias por tu consideración, y disculpa la tardanza.
Si, la verdad, yo también estoy bastante preocupado :')
Aún no logro arreglar el problema de los drivers. Me comuniqué con el soporte de AMD por correo y me han estado ayudando con instrucciones para descartar posibles causas. Entre otras cosas, me sugirieron:
Ninguna de estas sugerencias logró solucionar el problema en mi caso, pero sigo en contacto con AMD y aún estoy recibiendo acompañamiento en el tema.
Probaste esas sugerencias que mencioné anteriormente?
Estoy para lo que necesites. Saludos ramavillaa!