Need some help figuring out a problem I'm having with a Sapphire RX580 Pulse with 8GB. The computer will not post if connected to video card. I'm having to use the iGPU to start up. The RX580 is seen by the bios and Windows 10. I can not install the drivers because they crash as they are installing. I verified the video card drivers are correct and working. I made sure the 8 pin connector for power is connected. Both fans spin and the rx580 gets warm to the touch. I verified the card had no visual burn marks on the logic board or blown mini fuses. The card was given to me damaged and I'm not sure if it was used for mining. Not sure if this a damaged GPU. Any assistance would be much appreciated.
Asus z370-g(Wifi) Motherboard
I5-8600k CPU
16GB Corsair Memory
650 W Seasonic Focus Plus PSU