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PC Graphics

Adept I

RX5700 and HDMI sound problem

Ryzen 5 2600x 

msi b450 tomahawk latest bios

kingston predator 3200 cl  16-18-18-36

Windows 10 up to date. 

I connect VGA to AVR via HDMI.

The problem is the sound from RX5700 is not smooth. It often jerky or sometime, the sound disappear.  I need to mute it from taskbar and open again then the sound will come back. But the problem will happen again and again.   

Updated driver cannot solve this problem. 

And my old RX580X do not have this problem. 

Any advice please? 

715 Replies
Adept I

I got answer from AMD:

"I will make a note of this issue and forward to the respected internal team for the further consideration and please visit the following link to report the issue using the AMD Issue Reportin  Form:

Have you guys filled that form? I will do it today when i get home from work. Maybe would be good if all of us send report from there?

Just submitted report for a 2nd time, did not receive any response from AMD the last time, all hope is gone. I've just bought a 9.1 receiver only to find out that windows can output surround sound only via HDMI. And now, thanks to AMD, I'm stuck having 3k$ worth of audio equipment outputting stereo through SPDIF, just because HDMI audio doesn't work on their flagship graphics card.Tired of this, it's been 6 months and hundreds of complaints! They do not give a damn! Seriously, next time new driver comes out and does nothing to the audio output, I'm selling this garbage for 10 bucks and buying myself a new Nvidia card.

Journeyman III

So, my system works now without any problems. No Black screens, no audio cuts out when I watch stream on my tv, which is connected by hdmi.

I just removed AMD graphic card and then plugged AMD graphic card in.

P.s. it wasn`t the PowerColor Radeon RX 5700 XT Red Devil, 8 GB GDDR6, HDMI, 3x DP (AXRX 5700XT 8 GBD6-3DHE / OC) again, it was an old Gigabyte ATI Radeon HD 7790 OC. And it just works!

p.p.s. i also had a black screen in bios after I had a black screen in windows before. I had bought a new PSU (high quality), reinstalled windows, tried every driver and workaround. Nothing on my PC is overclocked.

I mailed PowerColor (no reply yet) and my PC vendor Mindfactory. They replied that I should return this card and I`ll do that. I hope I get my money back to by new card at their. Even though I used AMD card all the time, next one will be nvidia also they are too expensive for what you get and I don`t like them.


So, my system works now without any problems. No Black screens, no audio cuts out when I watch stream on my tv, which is connected by HDMI.

That's with the HD7790, right ?

I just removed AMD graphic card

the 5700xt ?

and then plugged AMD graphic card in.

HD7790 ?

And it just works!

lolz, good one. Jensen would be proud of you !

Jub.. It's bee confirmed more than once here, by different people testing, that this issue is specific to Navi and I can also confirm that my RX580 works flawlessly in the same setup. Like I've said a few times before.

It's a Navi-architecture specific problem. I'm not even sure if it is even possible to solve by driver, but AMD needs to tell us that, if that is the case.

next one will be nvidia also they are too expensive for what you get and I don`t like them.

Ngreedia has been on the top for too long and too many people don't even think to research or look at AMD options when looking at graphics cards.

The average joe will compare Ngreedia card to Ngreedia card to find out which one suits them and buy that, it doesn't matter if AMD has a beter value card, they will never buy it.  Ngreedia knows that and prices are monopolized accordingly.

You do what you gotta do mate, no one will blame you for it and I have to admit even I had though about going Ngreedia again.

In the long run it is simply not a solution. Ngreedia will suck you dry for every penny you have if we let them, and that we (in general) do let them.

With all due respect, if someone gave me a choice to take 50$ or 100$, free of choice, simply take which ever you want most, who the hell would not take the 100$ bill.

Ngreedia is the same way, why would they NOT take all the money people are throwing is their faces .. Oh they will, all of it and more of they can get away with it.

Like I said, I can't blame you. The thought has crossed my mind too, but giving Ngreedia monopoly will only make things way way worse.

Adept I

Might be time to change my background to green, to ease myself into thinking about buying a Ngreedia card. Their greedy proposition does seem to look better with each passing day....

Adept II

Hey guys, 

I just want to share with all of you what I did to solve my issue. I went back to driver 19.12.1 

In whatman I changed the default clocks from 300 to 500mhz and set the minimum state to 500 mhz( so whenever i restart my pc it automatically loads the default clock to 500)

simply doing this eliminated all problems


now the downside is these drivers are garbage for the 5700 xt, (i use an nvidia card now)

for some dumb reason AMD  eliminated the ability to do this in the adrenaline 2020 drivers

anyways i hope this helps, i spent months on this thread trying everything and have posted several times as well...

doing the above was the only solution I found that actually worked

Very nice of you to share what fixed it for you especially since you have moved on to GREENer pastures as many of us have. It really helps the AMD community when folks share what works. You never know just how many you help, so thanks again!


pokester wrote:

Very nice of you to share what fixed it for you especially since you have moved on to GREENer pastures as many of us have. It really helps the AMD community when folks share what works. You never know just how many you help, so thanks again!

I do not have speakers in my panels and I have bluetooth audio but the motherboard sound works

I do not see audio in the device manager for the rx 480 perhaps due to the lack of speakers in the lcd?


You may be correct. It may have to sense the speakers to enable the feature.

Adept I

Installing the new 20.1.3 driver solved it almost for me. However, this is only with a short gaming session of a hour. Instead of totally losing connection (like people reporting black screens, or in other cases horizontal artifact garbage) it is now reduced to very slight horizontal garbage once every 5-10 min or even longer.

Audio seems ok now, finally.


20.1.3 seems stable in some instances.. I could watch 3-4 hours of TV series the other day, no problem.

Then just yesterday, trying to watch some with my kid and it craps out completely on me.. Audio would drop for 0,2-0,5 secs at a time and it would do this at least once evert 0,5 - 1 sec.

There was a larger percentage og silence, then there was audio.. The worst I've seen in a long time and I'm on 20.1.3.

I don't get this problem most of the time. There isn't like one thing like if I do exactly this or that, I can either get it working or force the issue to appear.

It has its own life completely.


I have the 5700xt and am having HDMI audio issues as well. Sound cuts in and out constantly in some games and while watching videos. Submitted a ticket but not impressed, would much rather use the HDMI audio then having to find some way to get onboard or discrete sound working through the receiver.

I've got multiple consoles, a shield tv box and had an old HTPC hooked up to this receiver and I've never had issues like this.


@digitaleternal  Hi there. Welcome aboard. Glad to have you. The more people we can get in this thread, the better.

Keep making those tickets and keep linking them to this thread!

I've opened my 3'rd ticked with AMD support by now and I will not stop until they listen.

Keep at it.

Oh, and if you havn't read the whole thread, I'd suggest you do that. Lots of really good info.


Hi Taurea,

I will definitely keep on it, this is a living room gaming pc and having the sound be broken like this is really killing my enjoyment of it.

I've read through portions of this threat and there is definitely some interesting info. 

The subsampling/bandwidth saturation theory was interesting but I find the issue is prevalent in titles that run at must lower resolution and I didn't find any different lowering the subsampling.

I find games that utilize the gpu heavily actually dont have the issue which makes the low stage0 frequency make sense. I tried setting the minimum gpu frequency under the tuning option and it seemed to help but it made games run poorly. I find every time I change a performance option or enable a performance feature in these drivers games don't run well.  For example,  I can run Gears 5 at 4k with ultra settings at a pretty solid 60fps but as soon as I touch anything in the drivers it turns into a stuttery mess.

I've got an MSI card so I'm going to get their software on there to see if I can maybe use that to increase the min clock without breaking everything.

I've gotta say though, I'm really disappointed with the state of these drivers. I've always run AMD cpu's but usually nvidia cards, this is my first  AMD card in a while and the drivers are hot garbage. Sound issues, black screen issues, all of the features break performance, half the time the adrenalin software just opens as a blank window. Come on AMD, get your act together.



I've gotta say though, I'm really disappointed with the state of these drivers. I've always run AMD cpu's but usually nvidia cards, this is my first  AMD card in a while and the drivers are hot garbage. Sound issues, black screen issues, all of the features break performance, half the time the adrenalin software just opens as a blank window. Come on AMD, get your act together.

I can only agree with you. Most Navi-supported driver all up till 19.12.1 (I think it was) had its issue.

Then 20.1.1 Adrenaline 2020 edition drivers happened and omg what a clusterf…. that was  

20.1.3 fixed a lot of errors introduced with 20.1.1 including the black-screen you refer to and I do think AMD has been rather quick to resolve that.

Even so, 20.1.1 should never have been released in that state, the drivers were no where near tested enough before released to the public and that in inexcusable (is that a word..?).

It feels like were involuntary BETA testers for AMD.

Most of the time, I just dont care.. I don't normally update my drivers just because a new version is out. If I can avoid it, I don't update drivers for better part of a whole year. If it aint broken …..

Same reason I don't update if I don't have to, I may get a driver with issues and I don't even wanna bother if what I have works flawlessly.

This time around, AMD doesn't have a single driver version that is both stable and is free from the HDMI Audio stuttering mess, so I DO care this time around ad that's why I keep pestering them about it!

And like I said, I will not stop.


welcome to HDMI audio stuttering issue mate, we hope you enjoy your stay.

Joke aside.. Open a support ticked with AMD and link them this thread and ask them to read the full effin 14 pages of it !

I need to download the new drivers that came 3 days ago. 

20.1.3 will not fix the issue, I've tried and failed.


Yeah, I know that. I will use an optical cable direct to my receiver. But it’s very annoying and the problem is I cannot change it because if it’s a problem with lg tv, rma maybe says the card is working ok. I’m from Argentina and returning o changes are not as easy as usa 


Funny, I was always the same way, once I found a driver that worked well I would typically leave it alone. But right now, I can't wait for the next driver, I didn't spend all this money to not be able to enjoy half of my games.

The black screen issue wasn't fully resolved for me. While I haven't had it go black and stay that way forcing me to reboot since the update it will still occasionally go black for a second or two.

I did some more testing with the minimum frequency setting in the tuning section but I don't actually think it does anything. Setting it doesn't seem to change the frequency and it breaks games. I tried running MSI afterburning but it doesn't seem to have any options to set the minimum frequency. 

I found a reddit thread where one person said they solved the issue by setting their pci-e port to 3.0 instead of auto, illuding to the possibility that pci-e 4.0 was causing the issue. My board doesn't seem to have any options to set the pci-e version though so I can't test it.

I've also tried sending audio out through the optical port of my onboard audio but I think my optical cable has seen better days. Optical only supports 5.1 anyways so not ideal, plus it's onboard audio so yea. I have a Soundblaster Zx but it would smother one of the fans on the video card so I don't really want to have to use it.

Journeyman III

Hi there! 

well another one with the same problem!

5700xt and lg oled tv 55

the sound drops in plans out with Spotify for example it’s every time, with Star Wars it like 1 in 10 minutes, darksiders 3 it’s like always...

my mother has optical out, so I think I will use that.

but it’s very annoying... I need to download the new drivers that came 3 days ago. 


Greetings all you grand people of the HDMI stuttering issue clan

I'm doing AMD a favor here because they don't actually reply to users in their own forums. Can you all please help me out a bit and answer me this question:

How many of you are running Windows 10 version 1909 and are still having the HDMI audio stuttering issues ?

Thank you kindly folks.


taurea написал(а):

Greetings all you grand people of the HDMI stuttering issue clan


I'm doing AMD a favor here because they don't actually reply to users in their own forums. Can you all please help me out a bit and answer me this question:


How many of you are running Windows 10 version 1909 and are still having the HDMI audio stuttering issues ?


Thank you kindly folks.

Me. Win 1909 AMD driver 20.1.4 




Windows 10 (64 bit) version 1909 





Funny side note, looks like windows tried to update the drivers last night but ended up installing a 19 version driver instead, gj windows.


Another one still having issues

Journeyman III


Journeyman III

This is the AMD's reply to my ticket:

Thank you for  your response

Thank you for providing the details ,

  I request you to give a try by performing clean installation of  latest  driver 20.1.4 or the available driver to your OS by using the AMD Cleanup utility.

I suggest you to please disable the windows auto update in the "Show and hide" tool

To be on the safer side, I request you to please create System Restore point before performing any troubleshooting steps.

Step 1 – Please use AMD Cleanup utility. It will help you completely uninstall AMD graphics card drivers and packages from your system, without leaving leftovers behind.

Step 2 – Then use the latest drives

 and select "factory reset".

Thanks for contacting AMD.


@himura1991 That AMD response isn't a solution and everyone here has tried that.  Also DO NOT disable windows update... why AMD reps are telling people to do that is stupid and they're just trying to shift the blame to Windows when it has nothing to do with Windows (3rd party software is normally a problem before Windows is). It has nothing to do with 1909 as it was an issue before that. It also has nothing to do with corrupt driver installs as many have new computers here.

Its possible its a BIOS issue and AMD has F'ed up so bad with the 5600 release they're scared to even admit there is a core issue on the hardware. Otherwise I don't see how this isn't fixed already. Fingers crossed their "Nvidia killer" cards drivers and BIOS aren't broken as sh*t.

Journeyman III

For me, the solution was the optical toslink cable with my sound blaster Z. it sounds amazing and no problems with audio delay. 

I wish AMD paid for my old sound blaster which was the savior of the day.


That's basically the same reply I received from AMD, they told me to use DDU and do clean windows boot. Except, this is a brand new system and a fresh install of windows with nothing on it but basic drivers and a few games. I'm trying to push them to allow me to speak with someone at AMD as they are likely just 3rd party tech support. I'm not sure why they are so determined to keep their head in the sand about this issue.

I'm probably going to do the optical cable as well but I really don't want to since it's such a dated and limited connection that hasn't been updated in decades. Plus I'd have to use the onboard audio, I do have a SB Zx but it would cover up one of the fans on the graphics card so I don't really want to use it.


What mobo do you have ? 

it's weird that you don't have any other pci-e slot.


It's the Asus x570 tuf, but I have the MSI 5700xt gaming x which is quite thick and the fans are just above the bottom pci-e slot.


What is interesting, is the issue appears to be Navi related.  I do not have a Navi board on my theater system.  I have an RX 570 going to the receiver via HDMI, and I do not have any audio problems.  I use KODI, Amazon, Disney+ and Netflix on that system.  Looks like the previous posts associated that with low idle clocks in Navi.

Here is something I would try if you haven't already.

Under the sound settings in Windows 10, select the AMD HDMI device, and select "device properties".  Then select "additional device properties".

Under the speaker properties window, select the "advanced tab".  Does turning the "hardware acceleration" option off help with these issues?  That should for the audio processing over the CPU, rendering the low idle clocks in Navi moot. 

I may have stumbled upon a solution, sort of. I'm not sure why I didn't notice the speaker setup options when you right-click on the volume icon in the systray before - I guess I'm too used to doing it through the SB driver. But, it was set to stereo, setting it to 5.1 seems to have stopped the issue entirely. I've only tested with a couple of games and will continue testing more when I have a chance but it seems to be gone.


For me the big thing was with spotify... you can try it.


I don't have that option. From what I read online when you connect to a TV and windows cannot detect the supported modes it defaults to "stereo" with other modes greyed out. I have not figured a way to force 5.1.

I guess you have a proper receiver.


@digitaleternal  -  I tried that a while back too, didn't do anything for me. Not sure why i'd work for some and not others.


@himura1991 – That reply from AMD you got is the standard bulls…. Reply that we all get. Their Customer service is not so much a customer service, but sorting machine, if you can call it that.

It’s the HP printer customer service all over again. You are stupid until proven otherwise, that’s how it works. When you call HP with a printer problem, they will ask you if you turned the printer on, check the power cable, check the outlet switch, is that on.. etc etc.. They will expect you to be stupid and not actually know weather or not the power is even on or off..

AMD “Tech support” works the same way.. No matter what you write them in a ticked, you’ll get the same standard “stupid customer” reply back in your face. You need to reply back to them and tell them to stop being freaking robots and start paying attention. Tell them to read this thread and stop asking you to do stupid testing that a ton of people here has already done.

That’s what I do and I’m on my 3’rd ticket now.. I just replied back to them yesterday and awaiting another reply. I may even get banned soon. We’ll see. Either way, just stay on them, don’t do the stupid customer standard bulls… they tell you to do, refer them to this thread and keep asking them to read it, over and over and over…..


@zezba9000 I don’t think disabling the windows updates completely was the point. The point is disabling it for a short while to stop Windows from downloading the amd driver from there. It’ll download some old version, not the latest, and install that. If you just DDU’d your driver for a clean install, windows will screw that up for you and that’s the point.


And a huge thank you to you all answering my question about Win10 v1909. The “tech support” was pestering me about not updating my Windows and I needed them to understand, that the Windows version is not the cause. So thank you a lot for that You are amazing. We need to group up and fight AMD together on this! It’s the only way we’ll ever get anywhere.

Adept I

I updated my drivers to 20.1.4 and i changed my speaker setup from stereo to 5.1 like digitaleternal wrote.

I have now tested this few days with Youtube, Tidal and VLC and haven't got any crackling. Maybe i can try also when speaker setup is set to stereo and see if it has any effect. But now it seems to work so maybe someone else can try change the spearker setup and see will it work.

I have 5700 XT and win 10 pro 64-bit 1909 build.


I've never had the "crackling" issues you are talking about, so I wouldn't know.

I can tell you that it makes no difference when it comes to the "audio stuttering" issue.


Did you check my video about this cracking sound? You can find it on page 12 of this thread. There is also moment when audio quickly drops completely.