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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

RX570 not leaving idle

Hi everyone, I'm having some very strange issues with my recently acquired sapphire nitro + rx570. It just isn't leaving idle speeds no matter what I try. it just doesn't want to go anywhere near the 1.2ghz that it is capable of. It's stuck between 300mhz and 600mhz.  I have the latest drivers and Radeon software, I have selected the card in the bios as the main output device and disabled the integrated graphics of my AMD A10 6800k. I got better performance out of an ancient Radeon HD 6670. I'm using an Asus f2a55-m le motherboard with stock bios (2012 - could this be my issue???) with 8Gb of corsair ddr3 ram, corsair cv450 PSU, Kingston 500Gb SSD, and Seagate 1TB HDD. can anyone help me?!?!?!?

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