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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

RX560 2GB Triple monitor Set up

Good morning,

I am trying to set up a triple monitor system.
I have Sapphire RX560 2GB model ( no additional power except the one from mobo ) with DVI, HDMI and Dispalyport output.

Since my monitors ( 21.5" LG 22MK400A TN  ) with only VGA outputs I had to buy adapters.
I used DVI to VGA, HDMI to VGA and Displayport to VGA.

When I use only 2 of them , its working nice, but when I connect the third one ( no matter which adapter I use ) the they all start flickering and the third monitor is not turning on. 

What am I doing wrong?


PS: you can find the adapters I am using attached below.

3 Replies

Do the adapters you bought say they are "adaptive" ?  If not that may be your issue. A lot of the cards don't like the passive adapters.

Your best bet would be to ask Saphire tech support what you should use on that model.


So, do you think if I get at least one of then with active adapter it should work?


I really can't say and would not want to steer you wrong. I only know that I always see it said these types of adapters need to be adaptive. The customer support teem of the company that made you card should be able to easily give you definitive advice. Saphire has been very good about answer my questions in the past.