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PC Graphics

Adept I

RX 7900 XT Artifacts


Good morning, I have artifacts in some games on a rx 7900 xt red devil, does it happen to anyone else? I used doom eternal and in one area of ​​the map I found only 1 and in ark on the extinction map it is much more noticeable because you see black and purple things, in this configuration of the game graphics I found two options that caused this light glitch Y axes motion blur and i didn't notice another artifact in ark in doom i found nothing and in resident evil 2 remake black pixels of objects or characters appear around this looks more in cinematic like with ark i was checking in game graphics and turning off light reflections That error no longer happened, in halo 4 it happens in kinematics shadow errors in the characters sometimes and in infinite halo I have noticed that the white dots are somewhat similar in ark but in white and in these I did not know the solution, could it be a problem with drivers? Or would it be advisable to send it to RMA?

 I have absolutely all drivers up to date.

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2 Replies
Journeyman III



I got same artifacts on my Sapphire 7900 xt model, do u resolve issue?


no i used 3 different models and the problem is the same so far i know it is driver problem i think so