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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

RX 6750XT broken over night


I got a new XFX RX 6750XT Quick yesterday. The first dp port didnt display anything, but the one next to it worked so i continued and installed the latest driver for it.

My motherboard bios and chipset got the newest updates too. I restarted my pc many times as you can imagine but didnt had any issues.

I got 2 driver timeout crashes, when i was running the save energy profile in amd adrenalin

In a stresstest everything seemed fine too. Temps were around 70°c at their peak and card was boosting as high as advertised

In Hogwarts Legacy I noticed coil whine for the first time, got scared because i never encountered that before, but then came to the conclusion that its normal and that even top tier cards tend to do it these days . It was already late and I wanted to continue testing today.

I downloaded another game over night. When i woke up i jumped into cyberpunk for like 3min to see how the new update runs. Again, performance seemed to be fine.

Then I shutdown my pc and when I returned a couple hours later I couldnt get a signal and my monitor would go into standby after a couple seconds. Weirdly this seemed to have bricked my windows too. When i put my old gpu in the pc it asked for a boot device and refused to boot windows from my SSD. Then I did a clean win10 install and tried the new gpu again, still nothing.

I tried all 3 DP ports and even HDMI, no signal. When I turn the PC on, the fans spin at a slow speed and are silent. I read some post of other cards that go full throttle in a blackscreen, but mine is always calm. My old monitor didnt help either. I put my old gpu in and again, it worked immediately. I removed the drivers with DDU and put the new card back in for a 3rd time, still no signal on every port. The backup bios on my card did the same. Nothing on my card or the PCIE looks to be damaged. I cant smell anything burned either.

It's my first amd gpu, Am I that unlucky to get a broken one or am I just stupid and don't see the obvious?

some people say weak psu, but yesterday everything was fine for a couple hours. The powerdraw was fairly moderate too.  I kept an eye on everything with msi afterburner. Even if the psu was a little too weak, i should still get a signal in bios and windows right?

I just shut my pc down when everything is ok, come back and the card is dead? How? 😞


Ryzen 5600x

Aorus B550M Pro

16gb Trident Z 3800mhz

bequiet 650w psu

lexar 1TB SSD

6 Replies

Mother board bios version? Gigabyte shows 15 bios updates for revision 1 of your board with F15a as the oldest to support 5800X3D. Power off or unplug the PSU reinstall the 6750 and clear cmos via the clr cmos jumper. Reconnect /power on psu and try enter bios on startup to see if it will reinitialize the gpu if not your card may need to be RMA/ Replaced.


17c , the most recent one. I was thinking about rolling it back, but this version fixed security issues with the cpu and the card was running under this bios at first. even through multiple restarts. 

I did a bios reset as you suggested, but still nothing. putting my old 1070 back into it told me that the bios reset was successful.

Black screen and no signal seems to be a very common issue with amd gpus. I find so many post of people talking about it, but barely any of them has right away. I should get a signal in bios right? the amd drivers arent even loaded at that point.

I just wanted to try anything for sending it back, because when they say its not broken. I just wait a couple weeks to get the same useless brick back

about the last part you said, do you mean enter the bios with the new card when its still showing no signal? i sadly dont have an igpu to check if the card shows up in device manager. 


Yes it should allow you to enter bios after the clr cmos. Can you try the vid card in another PC?

It appears the card is malfunctioning and needs to be replaced but I would certainly check the psu output with the card installed before RMA. The easiest way to test the psu is a using voltmeter at a molex power connector. Black is ground  red is 5volt and yellow is 12volt and the voltages must remain slightly above their respective voltage level during startup of the pc. After psu test is completed if the psu tests good it's RMA time. There are plug in type psu testers but if you have or can borrow a trusted voltmeter it should suffice for proving it good or bad.



I actually took the time to put my old rig back together and did a fresh install on it. Its an old i7 3770  with equal mobo. i couldnt get a signal there either,  only tested hdmi on that one though, because i was not in the mood to carry my other monitor over after everything i already did. Sadly i dont own tools like a voltmeter and wouldnt know how to use them. 

I cant effort to buy psu thats better than my current one right now, i put all i could spare into the gpu 😞 Before the no signal thing started, it worked with my psu though. The card didnt exceed 190w powerdraw and my cpu is maxed out around 70w. I want to upgrade to a higher tier psu some time in future to get a more efficient one, but i really thought I'm good for now. Its barely over a year old


Ok here is what I would do at this point.

Check out this video for out of case bench testing your system. I recommend testing without the hard drive connected and with the new gpu after clearing cmos.


Thanks for your help, but i just came from the post office.

I couldn't take it anymore. Theres no way that thing wasn't broken from start and i was just lucky to get a few hours out of it. I can't believe that they let the average customer jump through so many hoops just to get the product to work. On reddit where i asked for help, I'm just getting called stupid and guys with amd in their nametags just says user error instead of admitting, that maybe their product sucks. Im done with them.

But again, thank for trying to help me