Hi, after 3 months i just found out my rx 5700 xt is downclocking itself and it has small usage in older games like Team Fortress 2, Fallout 76, in gta v it goes down only in night when i am looking in to the city and if i am going to talk about the new games like Red Dead, Call of Duty or Resident Evil 3 its ok i guess, both games are running ok, COD over 130 fps on high/ultra, Red Dead is just Red Dead over 80 fps on my settings and Residen Evil 3 on ultra and over 130 fps.
-Fallout its just mess, usage is around 20 to 40 and fps around 40 to 60 on ultra settings.
-Team Fortress 2, usage around 8 to 18 and fps from 90 to 160
-I tried
GPU- AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT (sapphire)
CPU- AMD Ryzen 7 1800 XT
Mainboard- ROG Strix B450-F Gaming
Memory- DDR-4, 16GB, 1330MHz
One SSD (for system) and one hard drive (for games)
Power supply- 800W
Monitor- 144hz, DP
Thanks for answers or any advice.
Did you use the AMD driver uninstaller before you reinstalled?
Did you reset the graphics driver settings? Go into global graphics and make sure you dont have things like chill enabled.
What version of the driver are you running?
Best thing to do is stick to one game, get that to work and see what happens w/ the others.
Try what civillian told you, first, if you haven't done so. Suggestions he said improved his system are good suggestions.
Do you have another stick of memory by any chance? If not proceed to the next step. W/ one stick of memory, FPS swings can be very wild, depending on the game. Thats why im trying to establish a baseline with what works.
Start w/ Team fortress 2. You'll need to search for the developers console and enable that. Goto options, keyboard, advanced, "enable developers console". Then while in game, type net_graph 1, then load any casual match and see what happens. Make sure vsync is disabled and there are no frame rate limiters on.
Also hit ctrl shift o to put the overlay up while in game.
Note max/min values as you will see a wild swing while in game. I see anywhere from 200+ fps to as little as 100 fps, but the numbers wildly vary. This is normal and i have a 2600x ryzen 5, which is very similar to you. The only thing i dont have is a single channel memory config. But i dont think that should necessarily matter here.
It very well could be that you have a memory bottleneck w/ only ONE stick of memory. What can happen is that multiple cores have to fight over one stick, so that can lead to greater drops in frame rate. But ill wait till you test tf2 first.
Watch Dogs 2 8GB RAM (Single channel vs. Dual channel) - YouTube
Im beginning to think that your RAM is the culprit here.
hmm i never expected RAM to make such a difference. VRAM that would be expected but just regular RAM? Wow..
I also notice there is a much bigger load on the GPU with 2x4 than with 1x8. that's strange
Its not really the RAM more than it is the throughput. A specific resolution (1080p) at 144 FPS means a certain throughput needs to happen to feed the GPU. If RAM isn't achieving that throughput, then you will potentially see frame rate dips as the throughput can't be maintained to feed the GPU.
There is a much bigger load w/ 2x4 than w/ 1x8 because the throughput is higher and thus the frame rate output by the GPU is also higher because it can now do more work that it couldn't do before.
than would 4x8 also improve a system witch runs good at 2x8?
That's quad channel memory. And it will only improve if the throughput is improved and the CPU supports quad channel memory (which most dont), and the game itself is programmed to increase throughput by using more threads.
I have used ddu in safe mode before like twice, i reseted the graphics driver settings and i am running on the newest driver 20.4.1 and i tried to use i think it was 19.12.2 and that didnt help either.
I dont have any ram sticks anywhere.
Mini. Fps was 82 and maximum was over 200.
On max settings.
Mini. Fps was 61 and maximum was over 170.
On min settings.
Sending some screenshots .
Edit- Sorry for forgeting about the net_graph, i forgat about that while i was playing on min settings.
Does the frame rate stay at 82 or stay low, or does it go down then right back up?
Go into your radeon settings and click performance, and tuning. What does that look like?
What does your CPU graph look like? If you run task manager while the game is running what does the CPU look like under the performance tab? If you run HW monitor when you're gaming does the CPU core clocks ever drop?
I pulled out one stick on my machine (similar to yours), and i dont get the same frame rate playing tf2 that you do. It barely goes under 250 fps. So while RAM is a problem, its perhaps not THE ONLY Problem here.
What settings do you use? MSAA at all?
So, i have screenshot you the task manager while the game is running background, some of the graphs and the tuning.
The frame rate goes down to the 82 and if iam looking like towards some fight it stay at like bouncing around 82 to 90 and 100.
And the CPU core clocks doesnt drop.
The radeon settings under tuning, looks like you've messed w/ those settings. Goto the top and click reset. It should say automatic and default are selected. Try it then.
So, after trying TF2 with reseted Tuning and MSAA on 8x, 4x and none i can say that nothing happened and it runs same.
What other apps do you have running in the background? Is there any other software that you installed from your motherboard manufacturer?
Also download and run ryzen master. Pic the screenshot.
I dont think so i installed any software from my motherboard manufacturer, only the newest chipsets and i guess thats all and only what is running in backgrounds is teamspeak, spotify, overwolf, software for mouse(logitech gaming software) and keyboard(iCUE corsair).
I have tried turning everything off and that didnt help neither
Are you running any overclocking software? Anything that would mess w/ the graphics card?
Run ryzen master and pic the screen.
Also what do your power settings look like in windows? Type power options and then click advanced power settings on the right. It should be max or highest state.
Something else people have done. Although not sure why, is to disable the HPET (high precision event timer) in bios. Have you tried this?
Are you using 2 monitors or one? Click radeon settings, GAMING, then click global display and show me the screenshot.
HPET didnt help sending you screenshot with global display.
I am not running any overclocking apps. like msi afterburner etc.
Only Ryzen master
Edit-I think i am gonna go reinstall windows.
Before you do try one last thing. Run TF2, load training, bot practice, dustbowl and tell me what FPS You get inside the starting location. I was getting between 180-220 w/ 1080p. Constantly changing.
YOu have 2 monitors connected. Just to be sure, you said if you disconnect one of them you get the same problem?
Ok so, when i walking out of spawn over 200fps and when i am at first checkpoint at prep. phase it i am getting 170 to 140 and when enemy bots started pushing it was from 100 to 130 fps.
And yes i have tried using only one monitor and it didnt help
Maxed out settings and msaa 4x
Its so hard to say because mine was dropping quite a bit aswell. Even into the 100's. I have precision boost overdrive enabled in my BIOS settings. Do you have XFR on your system?
What's the temperatures look like for your CPU when gaming?
One last thing to try is maybe another game? Do you have L4D2?
I dont have XFR i guess, i never heard about that
Temp. around 50 while playing RedDead
And yes i have L2D2
Load L4D2 if its installed, and see what the FPS is on Dead center starting location. Mine is usually locked at 300.
Check your BIOS settings and look for CPU advanced settings. Look for XFR, precision boost, precision boost overdrive and core performance boost and make sure they are active.
I couldnt find it, and when i tried to google it i found someone with the asus bios but he had it somewhere in advaned-amd cbs-nbio-precision boost, and when i tried to located in nbio it wasnt there.
L4D2, Roof-around 285fps jumping around and when i came down, i had from 270 to 220 and once 170 after boomer expl. infront of me.
Now iam gonna look for the XFR
Yeah that may be normal. I get about 288 from the outside. And it goes up and down everywhere else. It may be normal. TF2, for me, has very similar frames compared to you.
Ive seen videos where its all over the place. Its a very old game. YOu'd have to find a newer game and compare it to peoples benchs on youtube.
That's where id go next. See what people get for RDR2 or something like BF V if you have it, and compare. OR any other high end game. Its so hard for me to really tell you how to compare games with me because of how different the settings will be between systems. So you'd have to load RDR2, get some preset and compare to someone running it online. If it matches between lows and highs, then its probably normal what you're seeing.
One thing is for certain, your single channel memory isn't really gonna help when it comes to diagnosing fps drops.
Try to reinstall windows aswell and see what happens.
Beyond that im tapped out of ideas w/o really seeing your system up close and inspecting it myself. Comparing it to others with games you have is the best next step.
Low GPU/CPU usage may not be abnormal, considering the xt's architectures are new and far more powerful than previous generations. There is no real reason to expect GPU's to perform at high percentages anyways.
What was that fallout 76 pic from? 76 or 4? Whats that like now?
I would maybe say it runs a little bit better, but still there so big fps drops like terrain starts loading and fps goes down like to 40 from 80.
Thanks for every tip and every help you gave me.
I am going to reinstall windows in upcomming days, and i will post here if it worked or not.
But still i would say it may be the drivers because there are some people that are having similar issues with rx 5700xt so really i dont know.
And about the newer game, there is little bit problem.
If am playing like RedDead gpu is able to be at 100 or 97% and fps are 52 to 70, i changed the settings to somewhere in middle in game, Resident evil 3 same usage 100 to 97% and fps are over 170 everything on high.
There is only thing that would help and that would be if you could like force gpu to run in certent games on higher usage.
You can't force games to run at higher GPU percentages because frames are fed to GPUs by CPUS. They are only able to use what they are given. What you're seeing is likely a combination of a few things.
1. Single channel memory is causing a bottleneck in some games, but not all of them.
2. Low CPU/GPU usage is normal for some games because of how limited they are given multi core CPUs. Most older games have very few threads and therefore can only use so much of any ryzen processor. Any increase in CPU/GPU power can only be utilized in software. If the software doesn't change, then the difficulty in running them decreases on newer hardware and they use less resources to do so.
3. What it thought early on was low power for fallout 76 probably wasn't. I ran 1080p resolution in fallout 76 and i saw power draws of about 100W-120W. What you likely saw was normal. I really think dual channel memory would benefit your build.
But there is windows to consider aswell. I hope the reinstall is fruitful.
Good luck