I've tried everything I could. When I overclock to say 1950MHz, the clock speed only reaches around 1900MHz at the top end. Even if it's a demanding game like cyberpunk it just won't clock up to that speed. I know it's not a thermal issue because core temps reach between 75 - 80C while overall temps don't even reach 70C.
This kind of thing also happens with older games except even worse. I just recently bought Fallout: New Vegas because I've never played it and always wanted to try it. You would think this GPU would handle this game no problem, which it does, but core clock speeds never reach even 1000MHz. This causes the frame rate to hover around 60 - 70 fps (I have a 144Hz display). I have vertical refresh enabled in display settings and turned off Vsync on all games including the above-mentioned.
I've already tried MSI afterburner, same issue. Already tried rolling back the Adrenalin software to an earlier version, same issue. Disabled game mode on windows settings, same issue. I noticed this issue happening earlier this year but I can't remember the specific version this started happening on. I feel like this fix is stupid easy but I'm just not finding it. Please help.
Ryzen 5 1600 AF
RX 5500 XT Asus OC edition
16 GB DDR4 G.Skill 3200MHz
Asrock B450M PRO4 AM4
EVGA 600W 80 Plus