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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Request - PLEASE Enable Windows 10 Eyefinity Support for the mid 2017 Retina 5K iMac

Hey everyone, first time poster here...but this is something that has bugged me since purchasing this computer, and it's a rather niche question.

The 2017 iMac 5K is shipped with the Radeon Pro 580 Graphics card, a card that is equipped with Eyefinity. However when installing bootcamp (allows you to run Windows 10 on Mac), you cannot activate Eyefinity with the AMD Drivers.

From my digging and understanding this is due to the specific/special timing controller required for the 5K display used in this model of the iMac, therefore the AMD drivers currently released actually splits the 5K screen into two monitors (according to the Catalyst software), thus this disables the ability to activate eyefinity.

This iMac is connected to two external 1440p displays via thunderbolt 3, both displays work flawlessly through the windows 10 display panel, but I have no way of allowing the ability to activate eyefinity.

Is there ANY plans for this to be fixed? I don't know if this is a simple fix or not, but it's incredibly frustrating that if the drivers has a mirrored display that it disables eyefinity.

I contacted AMD over the phone and they were clueless on the matter.

Any info/help you would need from me can be provided. I just want eyefinity

10 Replies

Not sure you are going to get an answer to this here as Apple controls their drivers. Have you asked this question to Apple? Most of their graphics solutions are at least in part proprietary in part to Apple. AMD may or may have something for it but Apple controls the release of their drivers, except for retail replacement graphics cards which iMacs don't even use.


These are NOT Apple drivers. They are downloaded straight from AMD's website.

I will iterate again, eyefinity DISABLES eyefinity when displays are mirrored, and since the timing controller in the iMac splits the initial display in 2, eyefinity (and more importantly, the AMD released driver) is mirroring and disabling eyefinity.


Not sure why you are yelling at me, I am not an AMD employee. Not sure why you think the Mac drivers are on the AMD site go to the drivers page and only Windows and Linux drivers are there, no Mac. Apple controls their own ecosystem and the release of their drivers even if they are made by AMD. So I will bow out because while I would love to be able to help you, I don't think I can. Maybe if and when an actual AMD engineer has the opportunity to respond and tell you the same thing, you will listen to them. I am guessing the reason you have not even been responded to in 2 days is because people asking your question have been told this time and time again if you were to search. So in the future when someone is trying to help you your reply might be Thank you if you would like continued help. I do however hope you get this resolved with Apple but as an Apple user myself of over 30 years, I can tell you that they like to tell you how to use your hardware, not the other way around.


I guess you missed the part in my description where I said "I am running Windows 10". What are you confused about here? I'm running Windows 10 NATIVELY. This is a x86 driver for a WINDOWS machine. It just happens to be a iMac. I was providing hardware specifications for anyone that can help. Apple systems run Windows 10 out of the box, which I guess you didn't see me state above. So, I will ask again in respect to your first half of your response, what are you confused about?

The Windows 10 drivers are not released by Apple, they are released by AMD. Which, like I said above, I downloaded from the AMD website since the drivers are for WINDOWS, which you even stated above.

I am not yelling, caps does not mean yelling, so please do not add more tone to my words than needed


I didn't miss anything, you are unfortunately for you and more so me are apparently ignorant to the fact that Apple controls the release of Windows 10 drivers for their Macintosh computers. Apple uses their bootcamp software, basically their custom boot loader allows native Windows to run on their proprietary hardware and installs Windows to a partition on your Mac. Apple distributes all drivers for bootcamp! This is nothing new and has been the same since bootcamp was first started many, many years ago under OS X. Not sure what you don't get since you even said you are used bootcamp and you sure didn't get it from AMD.  Again maybe you will believe an AMD engineer once they tell you the same and stop being so snippy when someone is trying to help you. Traditionally caps does mean yelling in forums, but I gathered your state of mind from your "I will iterate again" part like I can't read and somehow if you keep saying it, what you say becomes correct. Again remember you're the one asking questions so try having a little respect for those giving you an answer. Even if they are wrong (which I am not) because they really only want to help you. So again "to reiterate" you don't download the driver for Windows 10 for Mac from AMD you download them from Apple using bootcamp assistant in fact here is the link since you probably won't believe me either way: Boot Camp - Apple Support

I still really do hope you get this working, and congratulations on a nice machine.


Interesting, care to explain to me the AMD Radeon Settings application that updates my drivers then? Interestingly enough, it's the SAME one from AMD's website. I didn't know Apple releases their drivers through AMD's software download page! Do you have knowledge on this too? I don't see this anywhere on Apple's website. Hm......

Before getting snippy (since you took my first comment COMPLETELY out of context), perhaps recognize my follow up further stating that I wasn't yelling. Maybe you will catch it the third time


Absolutely and hopefully you get it after this. Because I don't know what more I possible do for you. I am trying to help you, am giving the correct information and you refuse to believe and on top of that are treating me like a bad guy!

No on to the answer to your question, but first with additional clarification that may help it sink in for you. '

Yes the driver is made by AMD, this doesn't mean that AMD distributes the driver. AMD does not distribute the drivers for download on their website at this time, it is only available from Apple. Apple would have to request any feature update or bug fix to AMD for a revision to be made. That updated driver again while being made by AMD will not be distributed by AMD and will go to Apple for them to distribute through their Boot Camp Assistant. Does the auto update feature link to an AMD server, maybe so even probably. Still a moot point. The only examples I have ever known of drivers coming from third party sources not Apple are from third party products and peripherals for add-on or replacement components, and most recently from Nvidia in support of their grapics. Nvidia however from what I read has been distributing drivers for their products both add-in and oem parts. What I have read in forums was out of frustration that the updates they made were not filtering into Apples releases of their drivers in a timely matter Nvidia has made the same statement many times, they put gamers first. Whether or not they were or were not supposed to do this, with possibly an issue with Apple licensing, I don't know. I can tell you though that those drivers from Nvidia have not been updated since first quarter 2017. This doesn't change the fact that "AMD" isn't distributing the drivers for your iMac, even under Windows 10. Now could AMD if they chose too, I don't know, I imagine that's an issue for AMD/Apple to discuss. I don't know why Nvidia can and AMD can't. I am just a guy trying like heck to help you either get the driver from where it is currently available from, or tell you who to complain to if said driver does not perform as it should. Good luck and goodbye. 

Please Matt or Ray respond to this guy.


Possibly one for @ray_m or amdmatt​ to handle.

My PC- Ryzen 5 5600x, B550 aorus pro ac, Hyper 212 black, 2 x 16gb F4-3600c16dgtzn kit, NM790 2TB, Nitro+RX6900XT, RM850, Win.10 Pro., LC27G55T.
Community Manager

Apple have to request driver updates and features so i recommend contacting them to share this feedback. Meanwhile i will share your feedback internally with the relevant team.

The AMD drivers for your iMAC must be obtained through Apple Bootcamp Assistant.


Thanks Matt! I hope this person understands that you are an AMD engineer, an employee of AMD and are giving him the real, truthful and relevant information. Mfarthi, I truly hope you get your issues resolved to your satisfaction. I absolutely understand how frustrating it is when something doesn't work as you believe it should. I also get that it is very confusing as to how to get the drivers for the iMacs, Apple does not do a good job of documenting this. Good luck and I hope you find the help you are looking for.