Hey guys! I recently won an auction on ebay for a Sapphire R9 Fury Tri-X for $30 shipped, listed for parts or not working (However it was never stated what was wrong with it). Plugging it in my PC, and I was greeted with some artificating (Very thin red lines) and would black screen when installing drivers. So, I took it apart, and upon further inspection, I noticed there was a burnt surface-mount capacitor. I brought it to a local PCB Repair shop, and they replaced the capacitor, however, when he went to remove another capacitors near it, he stated it fell apart. So, he went ahead and replaced both capacitors. (You can tell in the photos, they're on the back of the card, near the VRM) He didn't charge me because I would be doing the testing, so I brought it back, put it in my rig. Same problem thin, redline artifcating. . I monitored to see if there was any smoke coming from where the new capacitors were soldered on, but there was none, so I'm assuming there's damage somewhere else on the card. The day I brought it in, he pointed out that there looked like there was a surface-mount capacitor replaced behind the Core it self (Located on photos) Anyways. What should I do? I'd like to get this card fixed.
Bumping, I just uploaded a video showing and explaining the situation in better detail on my YT Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6jkuEgjU78