I've noticed that my memory clocks on my new Radeon VII are not hitting the default clocks of 1000mhz. It bounces between 350mhz and 800mhz. I've only noticed this because it did run at a consistent 1000mhz during a few benchmark runs (Shadow of The Tomb Raider) and I noticed the performance increase was quite big. After restarting my PC I can never get it to run at 1000mhz again. I've tinkered with Wattman (even if I set it to 1200mhz it still runs 350-800), I've raised volts, undervolted, increased power +20%, decreased power -20%, increased fan speed to 100%, lowered core clock, raised core clock, and every combination within thereof. I've flashed the new BIOS AMD released and I've also done a driver clean using both DDU and AMDcleanutility in safe mode and reinstalled the latest drivers fresh. I notice when I start the game Sea Of Thieves up the memory clock will go from 800mhz to 1000+mhz but only in the menu. I believe the issue may stem from fullscreen exclusive mode or freesyncHDR or something relative to that as both Shadow of the tomb raider and Sea of Thieves both have this feature. But even playing with those settings and even testing fullscreen vs borderless vs window doesn't give me the default results of a consistent 1000mhz on the memory. Do I need to RMA my card back to AMD? Please help. Thank you.
Sorry to hear about your issue.
In order to better understand it, can you provide more information about your hardware configuration - some suggestions can be found here : https://community.amd.com/thread/196211
Thank you for your reply. I actually ended up fixing this issue. I believe disabling the Xbox recording, streaming, etc. stuff was the issue. After disabling all of that including the game bar overlay everything is working normal and I was even able to overclock the memory to 1200mhz and seen a nice for boost in my favorite games.. I hope if there is anyone else having this problem they find my solution and give it a try.
Thanks again for your reply,
A happy Radeon VII owner
Where did you disable the above mentioned?
I basically followed this guide.
I went into the Xbox settings and turned everything I could, off. I did NOT do any registry edits however.
ah! so you just disabled the ( Xbox DVR / Windows Game Bar ) feature in windows 10?
I had the same problem but unlike b3astbynatur3 I never had Windows Game Bar enabled to begin with. While playing and benchmarking Rise of the Tomb Raider, Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Witcher 3, my memory clock was stuck bouncing between 350mhz and 800mhz as well. I launched Path of Exile and Apex Legends and both were running at 1150mhz. I found the culprit to be Radeon Chill: Game Settings (not the global settings). Mine was enabled and I just went with it. The moment I turned it off my memory clock shot back up to 1150mhz. This was a totally accidental discovery. I left Radeon Chill Global Settings On and it works perfectly. Hope this helps.
Hi! Something strange is happening. I woke up one fine day only to find everything just got solved all by itself. I've overclocked the card to 1950MHz @1105mV with a 1200 MHz on Memory. Seems to be working fine and stable. But..But my radeon utility keeps freezing all the time, no matter if its idle or something, usually takes somewhere between 30 Seconds to 1 minute and then I have to exit the app using Task Manger. Any idea how to solve this issue? I tried uninstalling the driver and radeon app (didn't use DDU).
Any inputs on this will be really helpful.
Same problem if i using "Instant replay". So i'ts a driver bug.
i have been having the same issues when using relive and mem clocks down to 800