Not sure what im doing wrong.
I bought a new rx6800xt. build it in with a new power unit (850W)
The pc works fine. I deleted all the old drivers and installed the new ones.
pc runs perfect while doing nothing. But when i enter a game it crashes after a few minutes. tested this on gtaV and CoD. Both crashed my pc. The only game that seems to work is Red Dead Redemption 2.
Any tips on what this could be? Is there a crash file somewhere i could upload?
motherboard: B550 AORUS ELITE V2
CPU: Ryzen 5 5600x
GPU: RX 6800XT
RAM: 16gb ddr4
What brand and model is your PSU? How are your temps? Have you tried XMP on/off?
psu is GIGABYTE. Temps are not high. only the cpu was 70C at one point. but nothing extreme.
I am not familiar with XMP. what is this where can i find it? i read on google it is in bios?
what model Gigabyte power supply?
I fixed it. a cable came lose when i closed the case 🙂 Luckily nothing serious. Thanks for the help!
Yes. XMP is in BIOS. You can access BIOS by tapping del key on your keyboard when computer is booting. Check that XMP is enabled. You'll get more performance for free.