Please help. I open samm internet cafe on 32 computers all with 3700x + 5700xt saphire nitro . Customers cant play in LINEAGE 2 ! we have a lot of players here , some of them big donators . When u will solved this? I have the report of mistake
Error: History: DrawPrimitive <+ RenDev=fd9c0000 CurrentState=fd9c65b8 <- DrawLoop <- FD3DRenderInterface::DrawPrimitive <- FCanvasUtil::Flush <+ Material=Default.Icon.BlackTexture <- UCanvas::DrawTile <- UCanvas::DrawMaterial <- UCanvas::DrawTexture <- NCGDevice::DrawTexture <- NCTextureCtrl::OnPaint <- NCVirtualWndMain::DrawChildWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::DrawChildWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::DrawChildWindow <- WM_PAINT <- NCVirtualWndMain::DispatchWndMsg <- NConsoleWnd::ConsolePostRender <- ConsolePostRender <- Draw <- UGameEngine::Draw <+ GRenDev = fd9c0000 <- UWindowsViewport::Repaint <- UWindowsClient::Tick <- ClientTick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- CMainLoop::UpdateTheWorld <- MainLoop Exception: Code [EXCEPTION_WRITE_VIOLATION DataAddress:0x00000058] Address [0x525438FC] SegCs [0x0023]