I have an AMD Radeon HD6450 1 GB graphics card. I am running some ham radio software called "SmartSDR" that has a "waterfall" display. This is a downward moving, flowing pattern that shows where radio stations are broadcasting. On my PC, the rendition of this is a little "jumpy" like the frame rate is not fast enough. However, I have the refresh rate for the waterfall set to maximum in the display controls.
I read that Radeon has "Steady Video Technology." I assume that this would smooth out video or moving graphics displays to reduce flicker.
How can I access this feature on my card? Do I need a different card?
Here is a link to a brochure on the SmartSDR software I am using. The first page shows the waterfall display on the right. This is the large blue area with green highlights. It constantly flows downward showing the signals present.
I would appreciate some help with this.