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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

How do I disable video "enhancements"?

Hi everyone,

I would like to disable the video enhancements completely, but can't find how to do it. It messes with the contrast/brightness and looks like poop. The 1st attachment (AMDsettings.jpg) is the section I'd like to turn off. The 2nd attachment (comparison.jpg) is the before and after. The upper part is without the enhancements and lower is with "enhancements". Please note it only affects the video playback and not the rest of the display.

Is there anything I can do?

3 Replies

Journeyman III

Thanks for the reply, but I seem to be missing things that the article has (see attachment). nodemo.jpgPlease not I don't actually have demo mode (it doesn't show as split). I manually did that to show how the card is changing the video.


sorry that is the lates FAQ AMD has. I think a lot of their "Help Pages" are not updated for the changes they made to the 2020 interface. Which is really bad. they should have all of that fixed before they make the changes. Since that all came out in December of last year we are nearly a year later and none of this is updated? 

You can write AMD support and maybe they can help. Open a ticket here: