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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

hello does the card ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4500/5100 Series SUPPORTS WIN 10??? THANK YOU

hello does the card ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4500/5100 Series SUPPORTS WIN 10??? THANK YOU

2 Replies

Technically, Yes. Using the AMD Legacy Drivers for Windows 10.

In reality however., I've not actually had much luck with the AMD Legacy Drivers with either my HD 4870 or HD 6750.

Now, from what I can tell the Mobility Radeon are better supported than the Discreet., but realistically you're better off sticking with Windows 8.1 which is still capable of running a lot of Windows Store / Windows 10 Applications.

Aside from that... I'd recommend a new Laptop.

thank you for your answer, i did it before about 2 years and i had major problems i dont know if they now release any importand update on that..