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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

FreeSync troubleshooting

Hello, I have flickering and with the flickering in addition framedrops to zero. I can't play PUBG with that many framedrops, brigthness flickering would not be that harmful for me (even if I paid over 1000 Euros for just the monitor and the Vega 64).

I read that:

  1. Bad quality DP cables could cause it
  2. Frame Rate Control could help not overcross the FreeSync range
  3. Some tweaks in the AMD software could lower the stuttering
  4. The monitor is the cause of it, not the drivers or the graphics card

I tried everything, and the Frame Rate Control does not work on PUBG for some reason

I do not want to return everything but I can not play with this stuttering.

Any ideas would ELSE could help?

My monitor: ag322qcx

3 Replies

did you try the very latest 18.8.1 driver that just came out? Many are saying it finally fixed freesync problems for them.


It fixed the frame drops, but flickering still remains. If I knew these features were so immature I would never have bought a AMD card & monitor that expensive.


Unfortunately while I absolutely agree there are issues with the drivers I think that many of the freesync monitors are not equal either. With Freesync 2 AMD finally is enforcing some specs like Nvidia does with Gsync. I thought another thread I read on another tech site was interesting about the Freesync issues as they pointed out that many of the Freesync monitors that support high refresh rates also DON'T support LFC and this will make the lower end flicker. So I think being a loose standard and trying to retrofit implementation across all GCN and make it work with new Vega tech was more that they could handle. Since I know someone will want to tear me apart for saying that. It is my best guess and a personal opinion, base on what I have seen in these forums.