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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Driver de Vídeo amd mobility radeon hd 5000 series.

Olá! Estou com problemas com minha placa de vídeo amd mobility radeon hd 5000 series. Recentemente formatei meu notebook para windows 8.1, e depois instalei slimdrivers para instalar os drivers. No entanto, o driver de vídeo está apresentado o seguinte problema, os arquivos de vídeo não aparece imagem, apenas áudio. Quando vou no gerenciador de dispositivos e desativo o driver de vídeo o erro não aparece mais, só que os vídeos estão com baixa qualidade. depois desinstalei o driver catalyst control center o driver no gerenciador de dispositivos aparece como: "adaptador Vídeo básico da Microsoft". E ainda apresenta problemas. Os vídeos apresentam uns lags e estão com baixa qualidade. Por favor amigos, me ajudem!

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Please also provide the essential INFORMATION REQUIRED WHEN POSTING A QUESTION.​  - Need to know your Laptop Exact MAKE & MODEL and APU installed. (AMD OR INTEL).

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First: need to post your laptop specs including exact MAKE & MODEL and APU/CPU installed.

Second: AMD doesn't support Windows 8.1 anymore with drivers.

Third: Your HD 5xxx is considered to be legacy -AMD Doesn't support it anymore with Driver updates.  The last Mobile Laptop Driver for Windows 8.1 for the HD 5xxx is : ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 5750 Drivers & Support | AMD .  Use this driver ONLY if you have an Intel CPU/APU installed on your laptop. DO NOT INSTALL this driver if you have an AMD CPU/APU! Otherwise I need to know what AMD APU/CPU you have.

Fourth: It is best to use the Laptop Graphic drivers from your laptop manufacturer first to see if it works correctly. If it does, then you can try AMD Generic Laptop driver and see if it works better or the same.

Journeyman III

Hello! I am having problems with my amd mobility radeon hd 5000 series video card. I recently formatted my notebook for windows 8.1, and then installed slimdrivers to install the drivers. However, the video driver does not display picture, only audio. When I go to the device manager and disable the video driver, the error no longer appears, but the videos are low quality. then uninstalled the catalyst control center driver the driver in the device manager appears as: "Microsoft Basic Video Adapter". And it still has problems. Videos have lags and are low quality. Please friends, help me!