So you are saying the 9070 and the 9070 XTX can do UHBR20 / 80Gbps ?
I don't think you understood my question.
Because I do not want to buy the new card, boot up and in the AMD driver software see it say "Current Link Settings 13.5 Gbps x 4" (which is UHBR13.5 / 54Gbps)
when it's supposed to say "Current Link Settings 20 Gbps x 4" (which is UHBR20 / 80Gbps)
And then have to return my card, and drum my fingers and wait for the major competing brand to be available, because they are actually listed with specs saying they support UHBR20.
Currently with the 7900 XTX i have to use CRU to tweak the EDID timings for 240Hz 4K at 8bit, which makes the card happy and allow UHBR13.5.
Without tweaking with CRU the card drops to UHBR10 with DSC (Display Stream Compression) enabled.
This is due to the bandwidth limit of the Pixel Clock on the card (which drives the Displayport output).
If the 9070 XTX truly can do UHBR20, then I would be able to do 240Hz 4K at 8bit or even 10bit without having to mess with CRU, and without DSC enabled.
I do a lot of productivity stuff so Id'a rather not have DSC active, also if gaming, and taking advantage of of the new RDNA upscaling and framegen there is enough "noise/artifacts" that I don't want to layer DSC on top of that.