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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Budget GPU with encoding

Hi Everyone,


I recently replaced my aging, somewhat flaky RX 570 (4G) with a RX 580 (8G) and now the Adrenalin software no longer has the record feature. I am assuming that this is because the RX 580 is a RX 580 2048SP. I really like the Adrenalin recording/steam feature, so I am going to swap it out with another card, but which card? As the title says, I was looking for a budget friendly card, since I am actually building a Ryzen 7 5700X/RX 6700XT at the same time, but want to keep my current system as a "backup" until a get the Ryzen 7 built.

Suggestions? RX 5500? RX 6600? 

Thanks for your time,


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