Hello I have RX570 and I have problem with anti-aliasing. Anti-aliasing not working in all games. I tried whatever settings, reinstall graphics drivers etc. Games looks like a cubes... and i see artefacts... Please help me.
I read some tickets with this problem and it didn´t help me.
OS: Windows 10 64bit
Processor: FX 6300
What games? What settings? Post screenshots.
This problem is in all games. Only MSSA works a bit.
I attach photos of two games.
You have it set to use application settings of AA, but you're not really using any levels of AA in the game settings.
I can set AA anyway, but it doesn´t work.
*First game is Ring of Elysium
Honestly do a clean install of the driver with the internet disabled. If that doesn't fix it you can ask AMD for advice: Online Service Request | AMD
You likely though at this point have a hardware issue and should be dealing with the support department of the company that made your card. Likely you need an RMA if they can't help.
Ok, thank you. 😕
This is a recurring and long-lasting problem, see, for example, this thread: https://community.amd.com/t5/drivers-software/antialiasing-is-not-taking-effect-in-direxctx-9-applic...
Seems like AMD cannot into override settings.