first of all sorry for my bad english and i hope u guys will understand it.
i bough an Asus Radeon TUF3-RX5700XT like 2 weeks ago, everything was ok at the beginning.
I played like league of legends/some mmorpgs/Warframe and some other games, everything worked pretty fine with no issues.
I downloaded yesterday Destiny 2 and now i have some issues what really annoys me.
In between 3-40 minutes randomly into the game i'm getting a black screen where litterly everything is freezes.
Like no mouse controle, no sound in background nothing, littrely dead.
My Monitor is still getting power and connection, but its frozen.
In titles like Borderlands 3, the same issue. after a while black screen and dead, nothing no response.
I tried everything, FreeSync off, vsync off, setting the frame limit at the amount of my monitor hz (144), DDU the driver and install some older version, littrely nothing helps, im still getting random black screens in titles like Destiny 2 or Borderlands 3. As i said, games like League of Legends/Dota2/Warframe/Vindictus/CSGO no problem, everything works really nice.
My PC Specs:
Intel Core I5-6600k stock no OC
MSI Z170 Motherboard Gaming Pro Carbon
Asus Radeon TUF3-RX5700XT
16 GB DDR 4 Crosair Vengeance LPX
MSI Optix Mag241c 144hz monitor
I'm not sure if the Graphicscard itself is broken or it's a Driver Problem or any other Problem.
I really appreciate any help.
Kind regards
hi, im getting the same issues, what i did was to limit the FPS to 80-100 with my overwatch and it worked fine.
thats the only temporary solution i had in mind, ill will update bios and switch pci slot once im free.
Ryzen 7 3700X
MSI B450 Gaming Pro Carbon
powercolor 5700xt red devil 16GB
Corsair Pro RGB 3200MHz (2*8GB)
512GB Lexar SSD Toshiba
Seasonic Core 650watt Gold
i`ve already switched my pci slot, set the fps and hz to 60 eventho i have a 144 hz monitor.
Like littrely, im out of ideas 😕
What Driver version do you use?
im using 19.9.2
currently im playing my overwatch @ 100fps 144hz. while ill wait once im free to reset my card and update bios.
u can try setting your pci express to 3 instead of auto or 4.
undervolting,underclocking your card,increase power limit and etc, play around with it and see if it helps.
if not try to see the similarities the games have. destiny 2 and borderlands are much more taxing than the rest of the games you mentioned.
hey, i already tried setting pci e 3 from auto, also did not helped.
Undervolting i have not tried that yet, ill give it a try.
im going to let u know, ty for ur help.