I have the same issue. I thought that it couldnt be fixed but I decided to just see what happens if I just changed the graphic settings manually instead of having the game autodetect the best settings for me. I believe it does it automatically anyways and sets the graphical settings to whatever it detects your system is capable of. As you have stated it says "does not meet minimum requirements" and then proceeds to lower the settings to the lowest possible, which is 720p and all enhancements off. When this happened I restarted the game and it started up at the 720p all settings off like before without the "does not meet minimum requirements" message from before. I then just went into the graphic settings and put it to whatever I wanted. For me, I changed the resolution to my monitor default (Mine is 1440p) put it on all ultra/high settings and applied. It accepted the settings with no issue and it all looked great. I played for over an hour with no issues or slowdown at all which made me think that the "does not meet minimum requirements" issue is just a bug either on the driver side or MK11 software side and not a technical limitation.