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PC Graphics

Adept I

AMD Radeon Vega 56 GPU Usage

Hello together,

some months ago I got a new gpu a Vega 56. Today I noticed that my gpu usage is very low in all games. Between 50-90 utilization. And my cpu between 20-50 utilization.I think this is the reason why I got very low FPS. For example in AC Origins I got 30-40 FPS. All components got the latest drivers. Is this a bottleneck between my gpu and cpu? I hope someone can help me I invest many days to solve this problem.

My Rig:

AMD Ryzen 5 2600 6x 3,4 GHz

AMD Radeon Vega 56

16 GB DDR4 Ram

Smart RGB 600W

Thank you


14 Replies


Thanks for your help but I already test this options with no effect. The problem is not only in AC Origins. Does somebody has any idea?



I'm not trying to show you game settings. I am trying to show you that the game cannot perform good performance with your current hardware. In short, it is very normal for AC Origins game to give 40-50 FPS for you. There is a problem with the optimization of the game. 


Yes I know but the problem is not only in Origins. In all games I play I got this problem. For example in the Witcher 3 I get 40-80 FPS but my gpu usage is between 50 - 80%. I dont know why. There is no game I play where I got 98-100% gpu usage. If I get higher gpu usage my card can reach higher FPS.


There is no problem for Witcher 3 game. Make sure the game is full screen. Check if there is anything in the background loading your processor.

Adept I

Yes I checked the whole web I know this video and It didn't help me. I think there is a problem with the card. It doesn't matter if I play with high or low settings. My gpu usage can't reached 90%.


Go to the Userbenchmark website and test your system. Look at the status of your processor and graphics card against user averages.

What I wrote to you now and before was not intended to fix the problem. Is there really a problem? If yes, what is the problem? It is not obvious!

Maybe driver update is required. Maybe the anti-virus is extremly tiring your system in the background. Maybe HBM needs adjustment. I don't know what the problem is. If I knew I would write what you needed to fix...



Userbenchmark without open processes: 

As I already mentioned the problem is that I get really low fps in all games. The low gpu usage is the reason for that. I want to know why my gpu usage is too low. All my drivers are latest. I already close all open processes and my anti-virus program. There is no difference if i play with open processes or without. I spend hours and hours to fix this problem but with no result.


You should find what is tiring your processor in the background and solve the problem with finding-ending-it.

Adept I

I checked all processes with the Task Manager and closed all background processes except the basic processes with no changes on the gpu usage and fps. You think it's related with my cpu?


I do not think so. If you were having problems with the CPU, you would not be able to play games properly. Have you tried reinstalling Windows 10 with an USB stick?

I would try these if I were you...

+ I'd reinstall Windows 10 with an USB stick.

+ I'd install the driver.

+ I'd test the clean system again with the Userbenchmark website.

+ I'd check if the performance of the processor and the graphics card is average.

+ If I don't have performance issues, I would try the game I'm having problems with.

So... I would try to find out what the performance issue was.

If the clean system causes performance problems despite the new installation, the installed drivers, disks, USB devices should be removed one by one and the system should be emptied so that only the most necessary hardware is left and tested.


OK thanks for your help. I will try this.


Please come back for the result... Goodbye...


Ok I solve the problem. The problem was a different startmenu I installed, because I don't like the ordinary Windows 10 startmenu. I delete the startmenu and my gpu usage and my fps are higher than before. Thanks for your help.