Computer Type: Desktop
GPU: None
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 8700G
Motherboard: Asus TUF GAMING A620M-PLUS
BIOS Version: 2613
RAM: Corsair Vengeance RGB DDR5 2X16GB 7200Mhz
PSU: SeaSonic G 450W Gold
Case: Corsair SPEC-ALPHA
Operating System & Version: WINDOWS 10/11
GPU Drivers: Actually tried EVERYTHING using AMD Adrenaline
Chipset Drivers:
Background Applications: None
Description of Original Problem: I built a new PC few days ago, since then, I can't use my PC as the screen turns black or flicker randomly.
I have RGB RAM, when screen turns black/flicker the RAM's LED turns off.
I have no GPU and I'm using the integrated GPU on the 8700G, when connecting some old GPU and the HDMI to it - everything works
I updated my BIOS version to 2613 and still - nothing changed.
I tried to install drivers using armory crate and using amd compatibility software - nothing changed.
I tried to unplug the APU than replug it, which didn't help.