I've a system with Ryzen 7600X and a 7800 XT Running with newest Windows 11. The system is running great till the latest Adrenalin update to 24.10.1. It seems that many times the graphics driver is not loading after booting the system. Which means that windows is booting normally and every programm is starting into the task bar, but not Adrenalin. The thing is that nothing works in that case. I cannot even start the Explorer or an other programm. They just do not start and I can only reset the PC. The only thing which is working. is if I press "Windows" search for Adrenalin and start the software manullay as the first thing after booting. After that the programm starts, I can use the PC as it should be.
Seems like the newest Arenalin is blocking everything right after start.
I've downgraded to 24.7.1 yesterday and everything works fine again - however maybe Adrenalin takes a little time more to start into the task bar.
I've already read about similar problems with the latest driver, but no solution so far. It's quite annoying, because it took me some hours to troubleshout and never had any problems like this with my Nvidia System.