Dear Friends
I have 2x Sapphire R290 TRI-X OC 4GB each, they are new, I use Win 10 Pro 64bit, I installed them using the latest software from AMD for this Model: 21.5.2.The Problem is that under Device Manager Win 10 Pro shows only one Graphics Card.In addition, having written to Sapphire, they sent me as a response the procedure to be performed in order to activate the Crossfire Modus! First: I have no idea what Version of the AMD Software it is (in their example) because I tried everything, and under 21.5.2 does not exist,the Point or the item: Activate Crossfire does not exist.I have carried out step-by-step simply that item does not would be useless to say, that graphics cards are suitable for crossfire apart Sapphire would have immediately told me, then I checked before buying them! So as said I use Win 10 Pro 64 bit, Asus Sabertooth FX990 R2.0 Motherboard, CPU AMD FX 8350, RAM 16 Gb 2100 Mhz, Powersupply 800Watt.
I would be happy if someone could help me, advise me. This Forum looks like a cemetery. Approx. 50 views not even a response!
Thank you for the screenshot First of all I don't speak Russian Secondly I assume your example shows that Crossfire option is present and can be activated BUT THIS IS THE POINT, despite my graphics cards I can use them in Crossfire, because there is no option from me? !!
Спасибо за скреншот. Во-первых, я не говорю по-русски. Во-вторых, я предполагаю, что ваш пример показывает, что опция Crossfire присутствует и может быть активирована. НО ЭТО ТОЧКА, несмотря на мои видеокарты, я могу использовать их в Crossfire, потому что у меня нет варианта? !!
а в bios материнская плата определяет видеокарты? если определяет попробуй переустановить видеодрайвер с откатом на заводские настройки