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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

xfx 7950 Low fps on older games with new drivers

All of my stuff is updated and my computer is always clean but it seems that with newer amd drivers i get extremely low fps on old games not many games but i do.

Well i have been playing "metin2" with my brother and its an old game that we used to play a lot, and are back at it again.

And i never deleted the game just played less overtime login here and there but from what i remember i didnt have such problem with 17.x.x drivers didnt try every single one but i think 18.x.x drivers have this problem with the game too.

The only fix to that is using DDU and letting windows update install it for me, it installs the 17.1.1 which works perfect for this game (the game never uses more than 20% gpu or 30-40% cpu because its an old game and its not very well designed but with 17.1.1 it runs steady 60fps and with rly big waves of monsters it drops quite a bit but thats to expected as the game isnt perfect, with the 18.5.1 it stutter a lot and with big waves of monster it stutter even more with insanely low fps almost slideshow)

The solution could be as simple as staying with 17.1.1 but then some newer games have low fps for example one i have been playing "state of decay 2" it runs on high settings some tweak here and there steady 60 fps and with the 17.1.1 it drops to 30 or even lower on some places, stutter a lot and for some reason the graphics get worse like the lights and such. (the gpu usage on both drivers are similar around 80-90% with fps locked to 60)

So is there any reason for that low fps on old games ? and is there a solution so i can play both games without having to change drivers ?

6 Replies
Adept III

I personally use and recommend 16.7.2 for GCN1 because there is no "bug which is ignored by AMD/does not exist". I also know that some of my friends solved some weird game issues when they stopped using newer drivers for GCN1 (for example, loading into black screen in warframe).

If you play games which benefits from newer drivers, you need to accept state of AMD drivers (especially for GCN1 cards) or buy a new card.


There is nothing to do with GCN 1 products

Radeon 520 (release date: April 18, 2017) has GCN 1 Architecture

AMD still support this products with new features


If AMD supported their 1st gen GCN products, there would be no need for this for example (and that is still the issue)

Bug State UVD all AMD cards | guru3D Forums

I just recommended drivers which worked well on all 1st gen GCN cards I had access to. OP can try them or not, it is his decision.

Also, if stutters are actually micro stutters, trying different fps limiters may help. If in-game limiter is not good (UE4 for example have terrible limiter), I often use RTSS or one of the RadeonPro limiters. I avoid using radeon settings since I am not in a mood to backup/restore profiles manually each time I go back and forth between drivers.


havent tried 16.7.2 yet, the one im using is the 17.1.1 and works well with old games, but lose like 30 fps or even more on state of decay 2, other games havent rly noticed big fps diference, just like 2-3 fps


I have not problems with old games with my HD 7870 (version 18.6.1)

Please provide your Specs and Windows Version


intel i5 2500 3.3ghz

xfx 7950 3gb

8gb ram

1tb hdd

windows 10 pro 64 bits

System all clean and updated, computer all clean of dust and no overheat so... yeah the problem are drivers, and i dont ahve problems with 18.6.1 too, but on older games i do, low fps on metin2 and low fps on pes 2017 like extremely low beloww 30fps or something like that.

Not sure but i guess its drivers that have a problem with directx 8