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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

x670e, crashes and errors with raid 1 when RAIDXpert2 is not opened in the background


my new PC has a x670e chipset and I decided to use a RAID 1 configuration with two 4TB NVM drives (2xCT4000P3PSSD8).

I created a RAID 1 array inside the BIOS after enabling RAID for SATA and NVM. I installed the latest NVMe drivers for Raid found here:

My system is Windows 11, everything is installed from scratch with latest chipset drivers. Memory and long running load tests for the CPU were successfull without any errors.

However, as soon as I start to copy content from my old HDD to the new RAID 1 array, I get strange errors:

1. sometimes the copying just stops for some seconds, resulting into a data transfer rate of 0 MB/s before it continues to copy
2. in the windows 11 event log, I see (every time after such a stop from point 1) an warning, which says: "The IO operation at logical block address ... for Disk ... (PDO name: ....) was retried"
3. sometimes the system just reboots during copying without shutting down windows

If I open the RAIDXpert2 tool in the background thiese errors just disappear and I can copy the whole 2 TB without any warning or stopping or crash. As soon as I close the RAISXpert2 tool again, those errors start again happening.

I know, that this sounds very strange, but it seems that I'm not the only one who has those issues. And I can very well reporoduce the error on my system. Also see the following related posts on the ASUS support forum (which are not from me):

The question is now, if this error is already known? And if so, when a driver update with a fix might be available?

Best regards

4 Replies
Journeyman III

You're not alone ^^ I have the same issue and it has been discussed here:

The thread has been closed as the workaround is supposed to - well, work. But it doesn't for me as RAIDXpert2
crashes from time to time and I cannot purge the process so I have to reboot then - or work without using my
additional volumes.

After updating my BIOS, those RAIDXpert2-crashes don't impact the system any more as that runs on 
a different disk. 

Still, I am hoping for a new version of RAIDXpert2 or whatever fixes this.


I have the same issue with Asus TUF Gaming X670E Plus and three Samsung 990 PRO 1TB NVME drives, two of them in RAID 1. There are "The IO operation at logical block address ... for Disk ... (PDO name: ....) was retried" messages in Windows system event log for both RAID member drives. Sometimes the RAID array goes into critical status, or BSOD happens. RAID drivers are the latest (9.3.2-00158), BIOS version is the latest, SSD firmware is the latest. All drives work without issues in the same machine when not in RAID, SMART tests are all OK.


Opening and running the RAIDXpert2 tool in the background does not affect the issue for me.

There are much less error events after I turned of dynamic tick and paging executive in Windows, and disabled all energy saving related settings I have found in Windows and the BIOS.

Last two bytes of the binary event data are 04 2A indicating SRB_STATUS_ERROR and SCSIOP_WRITE.

Journeyman III

I have the same issue, but only just come up after having the chipset a while. My two drives in raid work fine, but a 3rd drive not in raid gets these errors unless I have the raid program iis running?!

Is this only an issue for the chipset when on ASUS motherboards? Trying to work out who to report this to, to get a fix as having to remember to have a program running to solve this is pretty rubbish. Have no issues if they make it into a service that runs to stop this, but as it stands it is pants.....