Hello. At me on the computer hybrid processor AMD A8-7600 with integrated videocard Radeon R7. At appearance of the new version of the driver for my videocard I always start update process through application from AMD. On a C system disk: at the first setting the driver setup program created folder AMD. If I correctly understand, at update the driver at first is downloaded in new подпапку folders AMD and then setting. I such new подпапки deleted, as at me the empty seat on a system disk comes to an end. Folder AMD now occupies 28 ГБ. On a system disk remains 4 ГБ. A system disk on 120 ГБ. In folder AMD remained подпапки DxCache, Packages, PPC and a file atikmdag_dce. Подпапка Packages just also occupies 28 ГБ. In подпапках folders Packages since 2018 are the driver of different versions. I from this did not delete anything. No games on the computer are present. There are only office programs, operating system Windows 10 Pro and video driver Radeon. At me hard disk SSD entirely is system. I want to increase an empty seat on a system disk. Whether I can delete something from folder Packages or it is better to me to delete completely video driver Radeon and folder AMD, and then anew to install video driver most current release?