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PC Drivers & Software

Wattman STILL randomly applies a CPU overclock

Cannot believe this is still happening, but here we go (again)

Wattman will - on occasion - apply a CPU overclock to Ryzen 5000 (maybe 3000 too) CPU's upon applying settings/profiles, which will force restart the PC and change PBO settings in BIOS.

This is completely random behaviour; just the other day I was messing around in wattman just fine, but today it decides it wants to do this instead. 

This makes zero sense on two fronts.
1. I am applying a Wattman profile for my GPU. The fact that there is even the CAPACITY for it to affect my CPU, without user input, is absolutely insane.
2. As it stands, I dont even HAVE an option to mess with the CPU in wattman. I know that there was supposed to be some sort of integration with Ryzen Master to allow for this, but it is either broken or non-existent. Again, there is no functionality that I can see in the User Interface to allow for CPU tweaking AT ALL, the functionality just isnt there, and I do not have Ryzen Master installed on my how the hell does this bug exist? And for so long?

I got my 5600x in December, and I ended up encountering this bug in January, where I made a post here about it. Pretty short window there. There is the possibility that this bug could have been around for a VERY long time before that. I know that in a recent driver there was a dialogue added that asks for confirmation when applying stuff in wattman, but as far as I know, thats not a fix at all.

Please, do something about this already.


10 Replies

Yup, they for some reason moved it off the known issues list and added a notification toast about changing your profile which had NOTHING to do with the issue.

I'm on here a lot but I'm no fan-boy by any means and will call out BS when I see it. The post above got zero attention and when I contacted AMD  support.. well they showed me why I never bother waste my time and just use the community here normally.. ie "ok, we'll let them know"

The list of known issues grows each update and it seems now they are just ignoring them as I assume a 'won't do/fix'.

Bumping this till it actually gets acknowledged...


Unlikely.. their support will barely ack it when you contact them directly.  But 1000% in favor of keeping it up there

On 22.5.2 now, the one that has the "warning" dialogue message pop up. Was on 22.2.1 prior.

Its still happening. Still resetting my PC. Still messing with my PBO settings. 

As I said before, bumping this until it gets acknowledged, or until I get **bleep**ing banned.


Just happened again.

This has nothing to do with the problem? Wattman is rebooting my PC and applying an PBO overclock.


Just happened again! 10 months of ownership of my 5600X and this has been an ever-present issue the ENTIRE time. Please. Fix. It.

Also just realised "Wattman" might not technically be the correct term anymore. I'm referring to the Performance Tuning part of Radeon Software just in case theres confusion.

Still here, still happening, over a year since posted this, and close to 2 years since I first ran into the issue after purchasing a 5600x. Still cant load a GPU settings profile in Performance Tuning without my PC being reset, and PBO settings being messed with. I don't understand how this hasn't been fixed yet, its one of the most disruptive bugs i've seen. What has to be done for this to reach the correct people?


Back, again. This is still happening. For literal years at this point. Still a dice-roll whether Radeon Software will randomly overclock my CPU and reboot my PC whenever I load an xml profile for my GPU.

This stupid warning message doesn't change the fact that the problem still exists.


I'd just like to load my GPU settings with no fuss.
I do not want random CPU settings to be applied just because PBO is enabled.
I don't want a forced reboot to apply settings that I don't even WANT in the first place.
I don't wanna have to go into BIOS to disable PBO, just to circumvent this bug whenever I wanna load an xml.
Best part - even if I proceed to let it apply these random CPU settings and doesn't even actually load the GPU settings anyway! It's COMPLETELY nonsensical.

I don't even HAVE the option in Radeon Software to tune my CPU in the first place. It's literally not even there. It's as if the CPU tuning functionality is still present and enabled even though I can't see or use it. Why? If its not there for me to use, why can it still do this?

I'm gonna keep necro-ing this post until this gets fixed. **bleep** is unacceptable.