Hello all,
I just recently started receiving the error below while launching Fortnite. I am running the latest driver version 22.5.2. I only receive this message while launching Fortnite and no other games. The game is pretty unplayable in the current state. Is anyone else running into this issue? Thanks in advance for any help.
SAME FOR MEFINAL SOMONE HAS THE SAME PROBLEM ive contacted Fn support Waiting for a reply
Any luck? I got 0 response from them since reporting it weeks ago.
No luck still waiting for them they said they have had multiple reports and they are trying there best to try and fix the problem waited abt 1 week now disappointing tbh I've missed so many cups its unreal for a person that makes money of the game is just Bad
Ya, my niece wasted her Vbucks on something she can't play and they won't reimburse even a partial amount. That said I think if you make money off playing this game, you'd have a slightly newer GPU.
I'm having the same issues on a Sapphire Pulse RX580. It seems AMD no longer cares to support older cards in wildly popular games such as Fortnite. I've had nothing but headaches with my GPU since I got it with driver issues and the like. Safe to say that I will be going Nvidia from here on out with the ridiculous amount of time I will never get back I've spent trying to solve problems AMD has caused. I'm trying to find a link to a driver from '21. I've got to choose between 30% less performance or stability, IF I can find the drivers. I'm tryping this as the drivers just updated automatically and the card won't detect my second display after restarting... Lol. I wish everybody the best of luck.
Been a while, Fortnite updated, niece is still getting constant crashes... Anyone have any luck or just time to upgrade?
I've had luck. No more crashing. I'm at 22.11.1 drivers that seem to be stable as I haven't had any crashes anywhere regardless of the game being played. My gut tells me that this was an Epic issue and not an AMD as the problem fixed itself a week or so ago during an update. If you've got any further questions feel free to reply on here and I can go through my settings. The game is set to DX11 btw and not DX12. You may want to try throwing her graphics on performance just to see if that eliminates any possible issues. Things like this is why so many of my buddies prefer console as they just work.
Also one thing you should try, and I knowwww it's a pain in the arse, but uninstall Fortnite in it's entirety and reinstall. Open the actual physical folder where Fortnite is located and delete all the files. Any settings saved under her Documents folder as well (you'll probably have to check OneDrive as docs auto-back-up). Go into the AMD software, roll back drivers to whenever (it doesn't matter for this purpose), restart the PC, then go update to the latest (or whichever version you choose) and click the factory restore function before installing the drivers. Again, just to eliminate any possible causes with leftover files/folders/etc. DO ONE AT A TIME. If you try three things at once you won't know which one was the issue or not to avoid in the future.