Hello, I recently updated my driver to 19.5.2. And when I start a game or open MSI afterburner I have 1 fps for over 30 second and this is very annoying. In my desktop too. I've noticed, all the programs were connected with Windows 10 game mode are lagging (MSI afterburner is connected too). And Witcher 3 Wild Hunt started crashing and I've noticed visual bugs, the camera stops and my game shuts down. And a notification pops up which says wattman settings were restored to default.
were are up tp 19.8.1 now.......
Any third party graphics controller (Afterburner,Trix, Asus, etc) can conflict with AMD/Wattman settings and controls. Either delete Afterburner (entirely) or do not use Wattman. One or the other.
If you are using Windows 10 1903, the problem may be caused by this. I was using 1809 before. I extracted 1903 ISO file to my SSD and installed it. After installation, the games were sometimes stuck and the sound was distorted. I also have a current processor. If you cannot find a solution to the problem, try a clean Windows 10 1903 setup.
I have not had problems with a clean install of 1903
I'm not having any problems with 1903 right now. But before the clean installation I tried LatencyMon software and Windows 1903 Kernel Driver was delaying too much. I am using 8600k.
mstfbsrn980 wrote:
I'm not having any problems with 1903 right now. But before the clean installation I tried LatencyMon software and Windows 1903 Kernel Driver was delaying too much. I am using 8600k.
there is always the Optane solution....