I have the HP ProBook 470G0 with HD8750M graphic card.
Operation system - Windows 8.1 (newly installed).
The laptop enters sleep mode, but when I try to wake up, it "thinks" 5-10 seconds and restarts, not restoring my last session.
This occurs after you install AMD Crimson 16.3+.
Also when I try to download Crimson 16.2 I get this error: Download Not Complete
Tried download from here: AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.2
Can you help me?
Your Laptop has a very new BIOS Update from HP Support and you might want to reinstall the AMD Graphics Driver since it will be more compatible to your laptop; HP Software and Driver Downloads for HP Printers, Laptops, Desktops and More | HP® Customer Support .
This is the latest Windows 8.1 AMD Driver for the 8750M Laptop driver: Mobile . (Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.4.4 )
This is AMD Forum suggestions on how to install Laptop drivers: Laptop graphics update...How to
How to Configure Switchable Laptop Graphics : Configuring Laptop Switchable Graphics on a Windows® Based System
FYI Only: AMD has discontinued Support for Windows 8.0/8.1 Operating Systems. There will be no more AMD Driver updates for this OS.
At the HP website the version of AMD - 15.2 (so old).
All of drivers is installed, BIOS and Windows updated. I will try again your link.
I reinstalled windows, installed all drivers except AMD, installed all the monitors for windows, installed AMD on the link that you gave me, but it did not work.
Your best bet is to contact HP Support and open a ticket. You may have a physical problem with your laptop. You can also open an email ticket with AMD Support here : Email Form .
Another User is also having problems with the similar HP Probook 470 in this recent thread that couldn't be resolved either: Problems with switchable graphics
Thanks, I will try it.
Laptop graphics update...How to > Intel drivers
How to choose the correct driver for your laptop:Download Drivers
** Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 must be fully updated before attempting to install any AMD driver. All 'critical', 'recommended', and 'optional' (no language packs,etc) updates as well as any Service Packs (SP) must be installed before any attempt to install graphics drivers. If you do not get this message .... keep installing until you do:
Of course my OS is updated.