I recently got a Samsung C24FG73 monitor (which is a 144hz monitor).The problem i have is that when my fps are going below 100 it feels like 30 fps.I have tried turning on free sync but it didnt help that much.I got a rx480 8gb (strix version)
strange question: what CPU?
also - what what settings?
and here is my full specs
Ram: HyperX 8GB Fury DDR4 2400MHz Non-ECC CL15 HX424C15FB8
Video card:Radeon rx480 graphics GDDR5 8 gb (strix version)
Processor:Intel Core i5-6400 2.70 GHz
Operation System:Windows 10 64-bit (17134 build)
Currently installed drivers:Adrenalin 18.5.2
PSU:Corsair VS Series VS650 650W CP-9020098-EU
Motherboard: Asus H110M-S2H-CF
Motherboard's bios: f25
mh, i know that sometimes the FX-6XXX had that feeling - but your i5 is strong enough
is that only one dimm of ram? can you try 2 dimms in dualchannel? (maybe on of your friends has 2x same ram) - that can cause your problem too
also it could be a driver error - with my RX480 8G i had it too sometimes - but only in CPU heavy games
When you say 2 dimms you mean 2 rams? if so yeah i have only 1 and my motherboard is dual channel...i look forward on getting one same 8gb ram so i have 16gb of total ram
that can be the problem - do you see lots of stuff going on and also a high cpu load at those "stuttering"? that would indicate single-channel ram
task manager says like 85-90% (cpu) i also depends on the game but yeah most of the times its 85-90.At fortnite for example which is a light game i have 80% cpu...on call of duty black ops 4 beta i have like 95% and it feels really bad like 10 fps because fortnite is at 144fps and call of duty is at 70-80 fps
mh - i think your ram is the bottleneck
but fortnite isnt optimized - at all
i cant understand why that problem didnt exist 2 years ago when i go this pc...i mean nothing have changed
many things have changed
like MS changed its way HW is spoken to atleast 2x
there were 3 major Win10 updated - that changed so much stuff
driver is now advanced - changed HWacc and much other stuff
also: pls try to deactivate Windows Defender - or any other AV // only use uBlock or NoScript for your browser (set them properly) // there is no need for an AV if you use brain.exe
144hz test: play games like CSGO in low details so you get way over 140fps // also enable "Enhanced Sync" in driver - that prevents tearing when over 144hz
well i have no antivirus in my pc ...also i have already ublock on my browser...
Now about the csgo when i set csgo to high i already get like over 250 fps so i dont need to lower the settings xD.Csgo runs really smooth even without free sync enabled or vsync
and your screen is on 144hz? than everything is fine
aaand windows defender is built in
The stuttering does appear only when im under 100 fps like 80fps or 70fps...and that makes almost all the games unplayable except the old and the light free to play games (by the way i have disabled windows defender through regedit and it is no longer a thing on my pc)
ah ok - so i think this is happening:
your game loads a new area
your CPU has work to do - maintaining the game and loading alot of new data
your memcontroller doesnt know how to handle that - because of single-channel
so your FPS go down to 70-80fps and stutter occurres because of high latency because your ram is in use and blocks registers - and because its single-channel your cpu cant use second dimm to maintain fast data flow
that kills your performance and creates higher frametimes for your GPU
that will only happen in some games: like GTA V or BF1 or Fortnite (and others)
so you believe one more ram would (maybe) fix this issue?
it CAN maybe fix the issue
if you have the games i posted you can try yourself - if it happens in those games too than i think a second dimm of ram would help you.
maybe you have a friend who can give you his 2 sticks of ram for one evening so you can test - simply order him a pizza and he will be fine
nah i live in a greek island and no one got a pc xD by the way what you said happens in fortnite sometimes from 144fps it suddenly goes 70 for some seconds (depends on the location on the fortnite map)
i was on some greek islands like crete and corfu - also on mainland in Chalkidiki - nice people, good food, good wine and ouzo
well - maybe you have a PC store that allows you to test
or buy cheap 8GB Kit - like https://geizhals.eu/g-skill-nt-series-dimm-kit-8gb-f4-2400c15d-8gnt-a1324295.html ~80€ - and sell your ram kit on ebay
if it happens repeatable than it is how i said
really thanks for the help i will get one more ram (when i have the money of course xD)
There are 3 things you can try with your current set-up and see if it can help...but as mentioned, it will not replace more ram:
ULPS..disable it ULPS: How to disable
Un-park all processor cores...with Win10 this is done automatically when you set your computer power plan to "Performance" (not the default 'balanced') I Need Better Core Distribution on My FX 6200
Wattman Power Limit set to +50 (or the highest + value..slide it all the way to the right) AMD graphics performance
About the processor i have already done some settings on park control and no core is shutdown.About the power limit i already have it to 50.I didnt know about ULPS thanks i will try this
and by the way when i lower my driver's version to 18.3.4 the lag is a bit lower like 5 fps more
also i have another issue when i set my monitor's refresh rate to 60 it feels like 30...i am not sure if it is because i recently changed from 60hz monitor to 144hz and i got used to it and now 60hz feel like really really worse
mh - set it to 144hz - and run test scenes // do you have tearing?
where can i find these test scenes?