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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Spellforce 3 game crash with 5700 XT - DirectX Device lost / hung

Hi there.

There's seems to be a driver issue related to Spellforce 3. There are multiple bug reports in the steam forum from users with 5700 XT graphic cards:

5700XT || DXGI_Error_Device_Hung || Spellforce 3 Crashes || Soul Harvest Runs| Needs HOTFIX :: Spell... 

DirectX errors at start of campaing :: SpellForce 3 Bug Reports 

DirectX Error (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET) [Device lost / hung] :: SpellForce 3 Bug Reports 

Fatal DirectX Error :: SpellForce 3 Bug Reports 

I myself also run into this issue. I can't play the game. It always says DX device hung / lost. You can reproduce this problem with the game installed, starting the campaign. You only need a 5700 XT graphics card:

SpellForce III - CTD Kampagne - YouTube 

After the Youtube video there are multiple popups with the error messages and the game screen is black:

(DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG) [Device lost / hung]
(DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) [Failed to create vertex buffer]

My system:

OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 18362)

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor


RAM: 32 GB G.Skill F4-3200C16-16GTZR

GPU: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT - Powercolor Red Devil

Please fix this bug with an driver update. I already tested multiple driver versions and graphic settings. 

Best regards.

10 Replies
Adept I

das Problem ist anscheinend sehr zahlreich aufgetreten... siehe Steam Community...

Anscheinend ist man bei AMD nicht bemüht sich auf die Fehlersuche zu machen. Schade, das bin ich so aus der Vergangenheit nicht von nVidia gewöhnt.

Der Prozessor ist ja gut - 3600x 32gb GSkill Speicher 750W bequiet PSU msi 570 edge wifi board

aber die Graka taugt nix...

Werde jetzt eine Nvidia Super2700 bestellen und einbauen - damit sollten die ständigen Abstürze und Freeze vorbei sein.


Nach dem Update auf 19.3. geht seit heute nacht gar nix mehr... egal welches Spiel... alles bleibt schwarz... man, was bin ich froh dass am Montag die Nvidia Karte geliefert wird... dann wird problemloses Spielen wieder Spaß machen... AMD - ihr tut euch keinen Gefallen auf die Statements nicht einzugehen bzw. in Updates nur unvollständige Dinge zur Verfügung zu stellen.


Try English Update:

After the update this night to Version 19.3 nothing going on... every game i started... black screen... oh how nice... Monday will my new Nvidia Card delivered.... than i can play without problems again... AMD - this is no good support for users from your graka...



Gestern kam die Super 2070 Card. In der Nacht noch eingebaut. Test seit 00:45 - also jetzt etwas mehr als 17 Stunden...

keine Problem... alle Spiele laufen... auf höchsten Einstellungen... die XT 5700 wird in die Tonne gekloppt...

weiter so AMD... zockt die User weiter ab... die Prozessoren sind ja ok... aber verabschiedet euch von dem Bereich Grafikkarten...

nach EU Recht habt ihr jetzt aber große Probleme... Garantie und Gewährleistung... ihr müsst laut EU den Zustand ändern... schafft ihr das nicht, steht den Käufern Geld zu.

next try in englisch:

Yesterday i get Nvidia Super 2070. Build in in the night. Since 00:45 h card is running... no problems... with any game...

the XT 5700 will be destroyed...

Happy New Year - AMD

Journeyman III

DXGI_error_device_removed @ Spellfore 3 @ AMD RX5700 @ OLD BUG coming back

Spellforce 3 game crash with 5700 XT - DirectX Device lost / hung

Error Battlefield 4 (5700 xt)

5700XT don't support directx 9

Fatal DirectX Error
(DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG) [Device lost / hung]

Nothing works neither 1 guide, nor 1 article. Registry fixes also do not help, fix the video card, games do not work, people return games to steam, and apparently you need to return the video card

#steam games


Adept II

Oh it does support DirectX9, but

1. the overloaded UI slows the fps really bad

2. there are stutters which sometimes are occuring every few seconds, sometimes it takes a longer time frame for them to occur

3. the device errors do occur not only on DirectX9, but with DirextX10 and DirectX11 too. Mostly on DirectX11. DirectX12 does not have the problem, strangely.

4. The errors with the device hanging occur on NVIDIA sometimes too, but only on DirectX10 and DirextX11.

And the problem seems the driver, but only if you are using a AMD 5700 series, which include 5700 and 5700 XT.

So whats different in the driver with the other NAVI devices?

So my questions to the AMD support would be.

1. Could we have a layered problem here? Some small bugs stacking up and producing different kinds of aftereffects? I have no other idea why the problem affects some NVIDIA cards too, so maybe there is problem in some NVIDIA developer tool or in PhysX? As i remember back there was a problem in the paster where a game wanted to use an internal disabled gfx device as primary, even when it was disabled in UEFI, but the game wanted to use it anyways and thus crashed.

2. Could we get a test driver without the all new useless driver functions, like metrics, streaming, facebook, twitter and so intergration, no boosting of performance? Just the driver and the implementation of game/app profiles. For starters just to see if it changes something and how much it changes as well as for computers with slower CPUs.

3. As for the DirectX9 driver, it was fixed a year or two back and now there are some bugs coming back, is there no documentation to see, how you fixed them in the past?

4. As soon as i can think of more reasons and maybe solutions, i'm adding them.


Even AMD Adrenalin 2019 Edition 19.12.1 has the same problem. So its no more only a driver problem, as the old driver has the same problem too. It's more of a HW problem now or something how the gfx card works the shaders.

Adept II

Problem still exists in 20.2.2 and 20.3.1.

Adept II

Problem still exists in 20.4.2 Apr23 build.

Adept I

Also ich habe wie gesagt mit der Nvidia keinerlei Probleme mehr... trennt euch von dem AMD Schrott an Grafikkarte...

Since the time i changed the card i have no problems any art... buy nvidia card... and destroy the AMD card...


Dies hier ist ein AMD Forum.


Achja und das Problem tritt auch mit einigen neueren NVIDIA Grafikprozessoren auf.