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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Rx 580 underperforming

I recently bought a graphics card (rx 580) to replace my old one (gtx760) and I'getting performance issues. The games I used to play at like 60 fps with the 760 now with the 580 I'm getting less to equal fps with the exact same settings. I've already formatted the computer and installed the newest updates, installed the amd software for the drivers (amd adrenalin 2020) and it is still the same. For what i've seen my Vram never goes above +/-1400, and the gpu usage is always floating from 99% to X to X to 0% and then back to 99 again never stabling. I know this Cpu bottlenecks a little but it isn't supposed to be this bad, could it be the pc RAM? Or event hardware malfunction or something? I honestly don't know what to do more...

CPU: i5-4670 @ 3.4GHz

Old GPU: Geforce Gtx 760 2GB

New GPU: Asus Arez Radeon rx 580 8GB

Motherboard: Asus H87-Plus

Ram: 12GB- 8GB(2x4 1600MHz) 4GB(2x2 1333MHz)

PSU: Corsair cx600

Windows 10 64 bit

13 Replies
Adept II


Make sure your power limit is set to maximum (50) in the adrenaline settings, because everything below maximum is a power saving mode. (Not the full power of the GPU), and it comes by default.

Super stupid, i know, but amd legacy.


I did that too, still the same. I think I will try with a friend to plug it in his computer to see if it works (he has a newer computer), if it does work I'll have to check everything again in my computer and make sure everything is really update, else it might just be the graphics it self (which i doubt tbh).


Check if Radeon Chill is activated in AMD Radeon drivers, that will make the GPU to run at locked FPS and prevent it from using max performance if the game doesn't need...

If you have 12GB of ram I think it's still fine probably for 99% of games, 8GB not so much, I also have 2x4GB + 2x2GB in mine, but mine is DDR3 2133mhz at 2133mhz, you have very low frequency which will be set to 1333mhz, check if your kit is really that if it's higher I'd go to bios and set the ram manually to the lowest one you have but to their maximum reported data or maybe try to OC them a bit like trying to push the 1333 kit if they are indeed only 1333 up to 1600 at least and see if it boots (but I don't think that is anywhere related to your issue, you are just losing a few FPS overall to a better ram kit no matter what GPU you have, but it's not like it's worth to go buy high frequency DDR3 either since that CPU is pretty old and won't win much FPS anyway)...

Also if you happen to have the 4670K instead, you would get a massive boost by making a huge OC out of it...

Post Scriptum for example my PC is using around 10GB of ram and all the 8GB of Vram at 1080P and not even max settings (but it's because I have the preload all textures to Vram option which improves texture loading by miles). Anyway RX580 is getting pretty weak for a few games already like Post Scriptum, Metro and others need reduced settings, but most known games, the ones actually optimised from triple A companies should run all near ultra at 1080P at around 60 FPS...

ps: Anyway check your CPU temps, because after Intel I3\I5\I7 2nd gen intel changed soldered IC to thermal paste and your CPU by now probably is loosing a lot of thermal efficiency and might be downclocking a lot, if that is the problem and you still are not gonna make a new build very soon I'd delid that CPU and put new better thermal paste, liquid metal is also pointless since you don't have the unlocked CPU, anyway if the CPU is not thermal throttling and keeps the full turbo all the time, then don't bother delidding the CPU, it would always be worth if you had the unlocked one (4670K) which with liquid metal would drop temps by HUGE and would let you make a BIG OC...


Chill is never "on" by default. Power limit is.


On my GPU on every AMD driver I installed and always clean install mine is always set to 0 (100% power limit which is also what's flashed in the bios by Asus)...

I have a Asus Strix RX480 flashed to Strix RX580 OC and use default power limit and it can keep the max clocks all day long (default is set to 1360mhz), the problem of my current settup is only temps, as soon as it hits 80 something Cº sadly the clocks drop, but using +50% power limit doesn't matter on mine a single bit, however -50% would definitely impact the clocks, but my GPU is always flashed with Asus software to 100% power limit and every time I do a clean AMD Radeon driver install even with DDU the default option is always at 100% for me...

But anyway his problem might be wrong power limit set to half like you sad, but it can also be severe CPU thermal throttling since his CPU uses thermal paste between the chip and the copper metal cover above and some people also had crazy FPS drops and would never play a game well and found it was because of the CPU that needed to be delidded... Intel only went back to soldering the IC on the 9th gen like my 2nd gen I7 2600K which is soldered and never have bad temps, some CPU's from 3rd gen and above up to 8gen can be plagued with bad temps, but usually by now its mostly the 3rd, 4th and maybe 5th gen that will have more problems depending on their use because they are older and if they were used a lot the thermal paste by now is probably not doing much...

And I have seen quite a lot of cases with Intel CPU's which were killing all the gaming performance, it was a very stupid move for intel moving from soldering on the 2nd gen to crap thermal paste above up to the 9th gen where they finally decided to fix so many years later when they screwed it up on purpose...

ps: And if the CPU causes huge bottlenecks it will indeed make the same effect where the GPU will never be able to keep 100% used all the time if the FPS are being capped by the CPU. Anyway both RX580 and that old CPU are both a big bottleneck for modern gaming . I'm still much better with my older 2nd gen I7 2600K, but it's OC to 4.9ghz and basically it's giving me close to a 7700K in single thread performance and multithread is similar to the 4th gen I7 K all at stock clocks, but I still get both CPU and GPU bottleneck on like Post Scriptum which is very demanding, basically with no one playing is mostly GPU bottleneck with the RX580 being weak for it and with too many players when there's too many action going on the FPS also drops in a flash and come back up as soon as it ends, but other more optimised games like crap gears5, BFV and others run perfectly fine for me.


according to him everything was fine before, so, no cpu bottleneck. you are looking too far out.

new gpu, no experience in settings - power limit is to problem in 99% of the cases, because people who are new to amd

are not familiar with it.


Well the thing is the older GPU is very old too and won't be able to push the CPU anywhere in modern games, that GPU is not capable of playing almost any current game with good visuals at 1080P so the CPU would kinda be sleeping and the GPU always at 100%...

When we upgrade to a more powerful GPU it will also make the CPU to work harder and therefore the thermal throttling will be more a thing, it happens a lot on intel CPU's which have thermal paste...


That's true, but the CPU isn't overheating although it is almost always at +95%. The temps i get are always stable and around 80ºC, it never reached past 83. I've updated the bios and everything i could within the board, it got better in most games, except Guild Wars 2, but i figured it most be because they don't have that much support for amd graphics cards.


That's still very high temps for that little CPU... my I7 2600K for example max turbo is 3.8ghz and I have it at 4.9ghz and while gaming it's around like 65 Cº on a air cooler, might hit 70Cº on the hottest summer days with high air temps outside of like 37Cº (but anyway my CPU is soldered, from 3rd gen and up all intel I3\I5\I7 CPUs are using thermal paste which they only finally decided to went back to soldering on current 9th gen)...

But the thing is the RX580 can't push my CPU to max on any demanding game I test, but the actual 4.9ghz clocks I have are unstable, but since RX580 can't push more for my very high OC CPU, it never, ever reaches the unstable point of it...

If I did one more upgrade of GPU on my old system which I won't then most likely my CPU would get to 100% too and start crashing...

Anyway if I remove the high OC from my CPU then I have stuttering on a lot of games and my CPU usage can get close to 100% easily while at 4.9ghz It's mostly 50% usage on most games max, since I only play visual demanding games and the RX580 is not being able to push much more FPS out of this old CPU, I only get high CPU usage on games which run at high FPS which is very rare since now on a lot of games I have to reduce 1 or 2 settings a bit like the shadows to maintain around 60 FPS like on borderlands 3, Gears5 and others, but definitely with my CPU at 4.9ghz and RX580 at 1080P those games run with almost all settings to ultra...

Your CPU is much weaker than my CPU at 4.9ghz but the only reason I'd see it would ever have worse performance from a old GTX760 to a RX580 in my opinion should be the crap dried intel thermal paste on the die which even from factory on day 1 their thermal paste quality is already bad and when it dries I have seen many, many people with the same issue as you and it's always when something is pushing the CPU because that CPU is very low performance for nowadays and if the clocks drop massively it loses almost all it's performance therefore it can't push FPS any higher which will cause the GPU to not be able to keep it at 100% usage all the time (though some times that is a very different issue since I have also seen many people with other strange problems)...

EDIT: In fact actually when I bought this PC back in 2011 it had the best CPU available the I7 2600K which was around 260€ not 550€ like current best I9 9900K (the old price before going to 500€ more recently) and I had the 2nd best GPU too the GTX570 and the best air cooled one with a huge 3 slot cooler that could OC like 25% above the actual factory clocks with a 1.2V bios flashed in it and it cost ~340 or 350€ for the 2nd best Nvidia GPU back then, GTX580 was around 500€ and GTX590 wasnt still heard when I bought the GTX570, nowadays a 2070 super, an actual good version of it is above 600€, anyway I made the PC and installed wind then I also couldnt play almost any game at all and in 3D marks and everything all was fine and with normal scores for my setup, I found out much later the problem was actually the 2x WD black 500GB hdd's in raid 0 which were causing MASSIVE HUGE stuttering on both the GPU and CPU, ended up forgetting about them, bought a 120GB SSD for the windows and a 2TB HDD for games and boom my computer finally could play games, in fact I had already like 13 or more defective Western Digital HDD's (all black and WD scorpio which is the black for laptop and recently I can add sandisk A1 128GB mSD which is from WD company too and I tested 3 with defect and they were original, I'm actually done with that WD brand for good after so many defective products).


It isn't CPU, I cleaned the whole computer before I installed the graphics card(including new thermal paste), the cpu is always in a very good temp. The only difference is only the graphics card, Iven unplugged the 2 sticks of ram of 1333mhz to see if it could be some conflict with it(but still the same). Radeon chill is off, and power limit is at +50%


It doesnt matter matter if you put new thermal paste or even liquid metal, I'm talking is the thermal paste hidden inside the chip between the die and the copper plate where you then put whatever thermal paste above it, but the problem is what's happening under it...

In most cases on an actual still good thermal paste Intel CPU just delidding it some times have a 20Cº drop right away when using liquid metal instead of thermal paste directly on the die. And if the thermal paste is bad a lot of people run into the same issues as you and have huge lag\poor performance on basically almost all games...

Have you really kept checking temps on the CPU while playing and it's clocks? if the CPU is not always at full turbo and is thermal throttling it might need to be delidded...

The better the GPU you put on your PC and the lower performance is the CPU, the more CPU usage and power will use and the less GPU will use... with your old CPU for example if you had a RTX2080TI as an example the GPU would probably not even be able to pass 20% usage in a lot of games unless at 4K and the CPU would be running probably always at 100%...

Since you upgraded the GPU for something much more powerful, unless you cap FPS it will surely push the CPU much more than before with the older GTX760 so Keep track of the CPU clocks\temps while playing a game to see if that isn't the problem as like I said many, many people have problems with those Intel CPU's that are using thermal paste instead of solder from the die to the IC and require delidding which is easy to do and very inexpensive...

This is an example of the I5 4670K for you to see what I'm talking:

To resume what I'm saying is the older GTX760 being so slow for current games it might not have been pushing the CPU any harder and just having huge GPU bottleneck instead and now with the RX580 it will surely push much more from the same CPU which will put out more wattage and more stress in the same CPU which leads to more heat and if the thermal paste is bad which is already a very old CPU you might actually be having thermal throttle on the CPU.

So like I said open one CPU demanding game that you have which now the RX580 should be able to make that CPU to push higher FPS and therefore push more from the CPU and keep recording the clocks\temps on both the CPU and GPU to try see if dried thermal paste inside the CPU isnt the problem, if the CPU is kept at max turbo all the time and you still have bad performance, then it must be other problem...

Also for faster CPU testing you can simply use 1 of many apps to do a CPU burn-in full 100% test which pushes it to max on all cores and leave it for a while and check the thermal throttling conditions\temps...


I have a rx580_4gb that replaced a gtx770_4gb  with cpu 4790k and I can say that I get better performance for all directx/vulkan games but worse performance for opengl games.


I have is the Strix RX480 8GB flashed to Strix RX580 8GB OC, would never go with the crappy 4GB model...

But anyway the GTX770 is already a big step up from the 760 for back then even though nowadays none of them matter anymore as they are all weak even RX580 is getting quite weak for some games ...

And next year will be the release of next gen consoles with Ray-tracing capabilities, it will cripple RX500 series performance even more with games pushing more visuals since the devs know consoles have more juice on them so the PC gaming overall will also start to forget current low end GPU's the more time it passes which is the normal evolution as we all now...

But sadly I don't see any atual good priced gaming GPU that would be worth for me to buy currently... I'm totally going to wait for next gen console release fever to go on and then maybe finally make a new build of a desktop or even wait a little longer for DDR5, no idea since here it's years of savings and I don't want to buy something that will get very outdated very fast... DDR5 will be another big major change and currently AMD doesnt even give any kind of Ray tracing on even a 500€ GPU which next year consoles will have so I'm still gonna hold my horses and don't care about it...

And I also have a kinda cheap 4K samsung TV since 2016 but never had the chance to play in 4K as at this rate of hardware prices keep increasing with low performance improvements, 4K above 60 FPS ultra on all upcoming games for like 2 or 3 years, I might even die before actually having an actual ~350€ GPU that could do it while 4K TV's are like around 200€ the cheapest crapiest ones here. But I tested at least Star Wars Battlefront 1 and Far Cry Primal at 4K ultra settings on my TV with the RX580 and jeez what an amazing visuals even at 1 meter it was crazy detailed, gratefully those games actually run kinda good at 2K without AA, but at true 4K the colors and everything looked much more incredible, from a distance sure 2K vs 4K wasnt much big, but the color difference is HUGE at 4K, but sadly nowadays even for 1080P on most games I have to drop a few settings and my favourite current game Post Scriptum both RX580 and my CPU are too weak, I have to use mostly medium settings, no AA, no distance shadows, not even ambient occlusion and only textures and effects on high, the game looks kinda bad with this settings and still have crazy FPS drops, but sure it's a very badly optimised game that require good hardware like at least something like a I7 7700K with a GTX1070 and even with that I have seen many people complaining bad 1080P performance ...