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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

RX 5600 XT crashes and freezes


So I quite recently bought an RX 5600 XT Pulse, so I don't have a reference point from before the latest driver version (2020.2.2). However even with this version I experience frequent crashes in Windows 10, where my computer freezes up and then reboots, or freezes up and gets stuck until I power down the PC.

My issue has only been happening while playing games, and from the memory dumps I get the below, and given that my system has not had these issues before changing GPU, and the terrible state the RX series was released in I am quite confident the issue is with the GPU drivers.

Would very much like to see the problem fixed, and if I can provide any useful information I will try and help out. It has been happening fairly consistently with short play time, though no obvious in game event that triggers it.

*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Attempt to reset the display driver and recover from timeout failed.
Arg1: ffffdf01013ea460, Optional pointer to internal TDR recovery context (TDR_RECOVERY_CONTEXT).
Arg2: fffff802744c0818, The pointer into responsible device driver module (e.g. owner tag).
Arg3: ffffffffc0000001, Optional error code (NTSTATUS) of the last failed operation.
Arg4: 0000000000000003, Optional internal context dependent data.

*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Attempt to reset the display driver and recover from timeout failed.
Arg1: ffffc685ffdd2460, Optional pointer to internal TDR recovery context (TDR_RECOVERY_CONTEXT).
Arg2: fffff8003be40818, The pointer into responsible device driver module (e.g. owner tag).
Arg3: ffffffffc0000001, Optional error code (NTSTATUS) of the last failed operation.
Arg4: 0000000000000003, Optional internal context dependent data.

1 Solution
Adept I


So a follow up to my problem as it appears to be resolved now. The issue was not with the AMD drivers but the BIOS from Sapphire.

When I bought the card the first thing I did was to download the latest BIOS and flash it, mostly according to instructions. The card comes with two BIOS switches and I only flashed the left (low power) one, and that is the switch which has caused me the most issues.

Recently I remembered that there was another BIOS switch and tried using that right one instead, and without any other changes I immediately saw huge stability improvements. Still my system could freeze up so I contacted Sapphire, they requested a VBIOS copy and told me to flash it, which I found strange since I had already done that.

Long story short, after re-flashing it, the VBIOS got properly updated, and since the support from Sapphire spoke very little English it was a bit difficult but they did say what I did initially should have worked, so I am a bit confused as to what went wrong the first time, though it seems to have been either my fault or the BIOS updater silently failing.

I am also a bit confused as to why Radeon Software says the BIOS Date is from 2020-02-25, while Sapphire website says release date in January, and why the BIOS Part Number differs from the one used by Sapphire.

View solution in original post

27 Replies

You have the same problem. App crash and freeze. Many people here have this problem too, so you're not alone with this problem. Hope AMD engineers will release new version of driver soon asap.

Thanks for the taking the time to respond.

Wasn't sure if this was still a common problem after the recent update that should have eliminated 'most' issues. AMD did make it seem like the problems were pretty much gone, guess not!


You are not alone on this issue, we all have it as well. I myself am running an RX 590 and still having the same exact issue you are having. It's not just new cards that facing this issue. 

Someone said change to old version like 19.xx can fix this issue. I can't because I own 5600xt which is not support in old version and can't change to it. Did you try to change it? It may help you.

Hi, thanks for your comment. Is there a specific 19.X driver people are referring to that the black screen bug isn't happening on?


That really sucks, at least on my R9 290 I have had no issues even with the 20.x.x drivers.

AMD really dropped the ball here.

Thanks for taking the time to respond, at least with the issue still being big hopefully they get their act together.

I have the 5600XT and got a XFX Fatboy RX590 on a lark to try to troubleshoot and they both have the problem you're describing, with 20.2.2 (esp. the 590, which is completely thermally wacky and shuts down).  20.2.2 may have taken care of a good chunk of the issues, but the problem is still out there unfortunately.


The TDR FAILURE keep haunting me when I playing games. If it don't automatically restart. I need to hard restart it. Very bad. It makes my computer hardware break a little when I hard restart it often.

Try must reboot after any change: 

Screenshot (15).png

already tried. Won't help but thanks


You seem to have added a QWORD instead of DWORD, perhaps that's the reason you are not seeing any difference.

Should be the 32-bit value, instead of 64-bit. I almost did the same as I didn't notice they were different at a quick glance!



I installed windows fresh and now my box is stable again. Keep DDU on hand for driver updates.



I added that regkey will try it out over the coming days and see if it makes a difference.

Thank you very much for the suggestion.


It doesnt fix the issue. It only give more time for the GPU to respond. But the problem is, once the driver crash, there is no chances it will recovered by itself.

Adept I

I also experience the following:

  • System freezes in windows outside any heavy tasks (quite rare issue).
  • Drivers stops responding when playing games forcing a manual reboot.
  • Drivers don't launch properly making it impossible to open the AMD Software GUI until a reboot.
Journeyman III


I also have very similar issues:

Graphic card is a Gigabyte 5600 XT Gaming OC 6G with drivers version 20.2.2.

I also experience frequent crashes in Windows 10, where my computer freezes up and then reboots. By "frequent", I mean at least once a day, which represnents approximately 5 hours of usage.

Freeze and reboot happened in various situations:

  • Once when I launched a game (in one of the many intro short videos)
  • Several times when playing a video through VLC and seeking a later part of the video (with also a cursor corruption happened once)
  • When backing up files to an external disk with Robocopy (nothing else was running at that time, seems that GPU was not particularly stressed during this task)

I noticed a live kernel report from the time of the last reboot:


Do you think that applying the TdrDelay to 8 in registry can help?


*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

One of the the display engines failed to respond in timely fashion.
(This code can never be used for a real bugcheck.)
Arg1: ffff9f0170220460, Optional pointer to internal TDR recovery context (TDR_RECOVERY_CONTEXT).
Arg2: fffff805324109f0, The pointer into responsible device driver module (e.g owner tag).
Arg3: 0000000000000000, The secondary driver specific bucketing key.
Arg4: 0000000000000364, Optional internal context dependent data.

Debugging Details:

Unable to load image atikmpag.sys, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for atikmpag.sys


    Key  : Analysis.CPU.Sec
    Value: 1

    Key  : Analysis.DebugAnalysisProvider.CPP
    Value: Create: 8007007e on KEN

    Key  : Analysis.DebugData
    Value: CreateObject

    Key  : Analysis.DebugModel
    Value: CreateObject

    Key  : Analysis.Elapsed.Sec
    Value: 5

    Key  : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
    Value: 77

    Key  : Analysis.System
    Value: CreateObject



BUGCHECK_P1: ffff9f0170220460

BUGCHECK_P2: fffff805324109f0



TAG_NOT_DEFINED_202b:  *** Unknown TAG in analysis list 202b


ffffd28b`b9c455a0 fffff805`3171f97f : ffff9f01`70220460 ffffd28b`b9c45740 ffff9f01`70220460 ffff9f01`65665a70 : watchdog!WdDbgReportRecreate+0x116
ffffd28b`b9c455f0 fffff805`32ee037c : 00000000`00000000 00000000`c0000001 ffff9f01`70220460 ffff9f01`66cf0000 : dxgkrnl!TdrUpdateDbgReport+0x10f
ffffd28b`b9c45640 fffff805`32f7a27e : ffff9f01`66cf0000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000001 ffff9f01`66cf0001 : dxgmms2!VidSchiResetEngine+0x7c0
ffffd28b`b9c45930 fffff805`32f51eff : ffff9f01`61831000 00000000`00000001 ffff9f01`00000000 00000000`00000000 : dxgmms2!VidSchiResetEngines+0xc2
ffffd28b`b9c45980 fffff805`32f2a1d4 : 00000000`00000102 00000000`001b76a0 00000000`00989680 00000000`00000001 : dxgmms2!VidSchiCheckHwProgress+0x27cff
ffffd28b`b9c459f0 fffff805`32eb8786 : ffff9f01`6730dbf0 ffff9f01`61831000 ffffd28b`b9c45b19 00000000`00989680 : dxgmms2!VidSchiWaitForSchedulerEvents+0x354
ffffd28b`b9c45ac0 fffff805`32f39990 : ffff9f01`67348400 ffff9f01`61831000 ffff9f01`673484d0 ffff9f01`63363a00 : dxgmms2!VidSchiScheduleCommandToRun+0x2c6
ffffd28b`b9c45b80 fffff805`32f3994a : ffff9f01`61831400 fffff805`32f39880 ffff9f01`61831000 00000000`00000000 : dxgmms2!VidSchiRun_PriorityTable+0x30
ffffd28b`b9c45bd0 fffff805`2506bce5 : ffff9f01`62121680 fffff805`00000001 ffff9f01`61831000 00000067`bcbbbdff : dxgmms2!VidSchiWorkerThread+0xca
ffffd28b`b9c45c10 fffff805`251c99ca : ffff8180`55a00180 ffff9f01`62121680 fffff805`2506bc90 00310020`006e0069 : nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x55
ffffd28b`b9c45c60 00000000`00000000 : ffffd28b`b9c46000 ffffd28b`b9c40000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x2a

SYMBOL_NAME:  atikmpag+109f0

MODULE_NAME: atikmpag

IMAGE_NAME:  atikmpag.sys

STACK_COMMAND:  .thread ; .cxr ; kb

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  LKD_0x141_IMAGE_atikmpag.sys


OSNAME:  Windows 10

FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {c4561d61-ffbc-583d-5e1a-6fd6e42466ee}

Followup:     MachineOwner
Adept I

Looks like I'm in the same boat as you guys I also made a thread here  and I tried all the fixes I could find from the internet and none has worked so far

Journeyman III

Same with RX470 8GB

Journeyman III

SWIRF TV fixes 5600 xt blue screen of death / video tdr failure / amd radeon adrenalin , no crashes ... 

here is a video outlining the following steps i took to fix my issues with  the 5600 xt, no crashes after 4 days

do this, i had zero crashes after 4 days so far

( i do not guarantee this will work for you,

this worked for me using:
gigabyte 5600 xt gaming oc 6g , with FA0 bios
msi mpg x570 gaming plus (newest bios)
ryzen 5 3600 (@4.3 ghz)
corsair vengeance rgb pro 32 GB (16 x 2 ) (@3600 mhz)

windows 10 ( dont think home / pro / build number makes a diff here, microsoft isnt to blame (this time)



1. uninstall radeon software (if freezes or has error dont worry goto 2)
2. run amd clean up utility (if freezes or has error dont worry goto 3)
3. boot windows into safe mode with networking (hold shift while clicking reboot in windows)
4. download and install display driver uninstaller
5. uninstall all gpu stuff and chipset stuff , using ddu , (display driver uninstaller)
6. reboot
7. check device manager, make sure display adapter says generic device, if not repeat steps 1 - 6

8. download amd chipset drivers directly from amd, selecting the appropriate categories (for AMD CPU users,,,, (((i would imagine the same would hold true for intel cpus), 
                              ( i didnt use ones from my mobo manufacturer) 
9. install the latest correct chipset drivers only from amd, (intel for blue team) ( NO ADRENALIN OR GPU STUFF FROM AMD)

10. reboot
11. download adrenalin, unpack it, (( it will show a generic unzip progress bar, let it finish, when the fancy splash screen comes up that say "do you want to install adrenalin" "CLICK CLOSE / NO                            ****** DO NOT INSTALL ADRENALIN OR ANY AMD GPU SOFTWARE **** we are just unpacking it to get to the drivers
12. goto device manager right click on generic display driver, hit update driver 
                       > select "browse my computer for driver software"
                           > choose "let me pick from a list......"   
                                 > choose "have disk"
                                      > goto the folder that adrenalin unpacked to ussually c:\amd , im not sure what subfolder it is in, i think one that says adrenalin, either way locate C0353065.inf (i beleive there was a driver subfolder and like a win32 / win64 etc folders, choose the one appropriate for your system)   (this may differ slightly for diff versions in the future)  click ok, choose the top 5600 xt driver, click next, 

13. (this should install the driver without adrenalin, device manager should now say "5600 xt" under display adapters)
              >>>>>>>>>>> reboot

                 congratulations, no more crashes (AMD please fix your software or make it alot easier to install just the  drivers, nvidia doesnt force u to use geforce experience, cough , cough

14. can  over clock with asus gpu tweaker ii



This method may harmful to your computer so please use it at your own risk


Set Power Limit to -10 percent. 


I have no black screen issue anymore.

Journeyman III

SWIRF TV fixes 5600 xt blue screen of death / video tdr failure / amd radeon adrenalin , no crashes ... 

here is a video outlining the following steps i took to fix my issues with  the 5600 xt, no crashes after 4 days

do this, i had zero crashes after 4 days so far

( i do not guarantee this will work for you,

this worked for me using:
gigabyte 5600 xt gaming oc 6g , with FA0 bios
msi mpg x570 gaming plus (newest bios)
ryzen 5 3600 (@4.3 ghz)
corsair vengeance rgb pro 32 GB (16 x 2 ) (@3600 mhz)

windows 10 ( dont think home / pro / build number makes a diff here, microsoft isnt to blame (this time)



1. uninstall radeon software (if freezes or has error dont worry goto 2)
2. run amd clean up utility (if freezes or has error dont worry goto 3)
3. boot windows into safe mode with networking (hold shift while clicking reboot in windows)
4. download and install display driver uninstaller
5. uninstall all gpu stuff and chipset stuff , using ddu , (display driver uninstaller)
6. reboot
7. check device manager, make sure display adapter says generic device, if not repeat steps 1 - 6

8. download amd chipset drivers directly from amd, selecting the appropriate categories (for AMD CPU users,,,, (((i would imagine the same would hold true for intel cpus), 
                              ( i didnt use ones from my mobo manufacturer) 
9. install the latest correct chipset drivers only from amd, (intel for blue team) ( NO ADRENALIN OR GPU STUFF FROM AMD)

10. reboot
11. download adrenalin, unpack it, (( it will show a generic unzip progress bar, let it finish, when the fancy splash screen comes up that say "do you want to install adrenalin" "CLICK CLOSE / NO                            ****** DO NOT INSTALL ADRENALIN OR ANY AMD GPU SOFTWARE **** we are just unpacking it to get to the drivers
12. goto device manager right click on generic display driver, hit update driver 
                       > select "browse my computer for driver software"
                           > choose "let me pick from a list......"   
                                 > choose "have disk"
                                      > goto the folder that adrenalin unpacked to ussually c:\amd , im not sure what subfolder it is in, i think one that says adrenalin, either way locate C0353065.inf (i beleive there was a driver subfolder and like a win32 / win64 etc folders, choose the one appropriate for your system)   (this may differ slightly for diff versions in the future)  click ok, choose the top 5600 xt driver, click next, 

13. (this should install the driver without adrenalin, device manager should now say "5600 xt" under display adapters)
              >>>>>>>>>>> reboot

                 congratulations, no more crashes (AMD please fix your software or make it alot easier to install just the  drivers, nvidia doesnt force u to use geforce experience, cough , cough

14. can  over clock with asus gpu tweaker ii

Adept I

Did the instructions above, still crashes on my end.

Adept III

it didn't work for me. (5700 pulse)
Adept I

I did every suggestion made on the forums. But here's the thing, I don't have any crashes for about 2 days since I set the power limit of the card to 30% on afterburner. No negligible performance loss either and I was able to oc my 5600xt to the max 1820mhz and 1860mhz for memory. I don't think my psu is causing any issues because it's fairly new, it's a seasonic m12 700w unit and it's 2 years old. I hope this can help. I virtually did every suggestion on the forums, even tried a fresh install, but this one might have permanently fixed it. I'll update in a week if a crash occurs.
Adept I


It has now been another two months without any useful information provided by AMD, and lackluster driver updates. So far the suggestions provided has not resolved my problem.

The GPU drivers for the Navi series are still seemingly the root cause behind my system freezes, both in games and under no heavy load. In the meantime I have also done the following:

  • Used AMD Cleanup utility to remove drivers.
  • Re-installed Windows 10.

None of this have helped me resolve the problem.

As I have been unable to resolve the problem and AMD seems unwilling to provide support I have had to revert to my old R9 290 (you can tell how much slower it is... ).

Unless I can get some assistance my only option now is to return this faulty product, assuming I don't see the issues continue now when I have reverted to my working GPU. I have done what I can from my side.


i have not seen many sapphire cards sent back so far

not that many in total, just venting

Adept I


So a follow up to my problem as it appears to be resolved now. The issue was not with the AMD drivers but the BIOS from Sapphire.

When I bought the card the first thing I did was to download the latest BIOS and flash it, mostly according to instructions. The card comes with two BIOS switches and I only flashed the left (low power) one, and that is the switch which has caused me the most issues.

Recently I remembered that there was another BIOS switch and tried using that right one instead, and without any other changes I immediately saw huge stability improvements. Still my system could freeze up so I contacted Sapphire, they requested a VBIOS copy and told me to flash it, which I found strange since I had already done that.

Long story short, after re-flashing it, the VBIOS got properly updated, and since the support from Sapphire spoke very little English it was a bit difficult but they did say what I did initially should have worked, so I am a bit confused as to what went wrong the first time, though it seems to have been either my fault or the BIOS updater silently failing.

I am also a bit confused as to why Radeon Software says the BIOS Date is from 2020-02-25, while Sapphire website says release date in January, and why the BIOS Part Number differs from the one used by Sapphire.