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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

ReLive sound delay


I use AMD's ReLive to capture some desktop tutorials and games walkthrough. Problem is that sound in recorded video delay for about half a second. It's not just in games it also happening when i record something from desktop. I test it using youtube (Audio Video Sync Test - YouTube ) and sound delay for about half second. I tried to change audio bitrate, record bitrate, reinstall the drivers (graphics and sound cards) ..., change in audio devices from 16 bit and 48000Hz to any other and i still have sound delay.

I do not know if it's a graphics driver because with a version of 9 months ago, everything was working normally.

Does anyone have any similar problems or solutions to this problem?

My PC spec:

Intel i5 7500 3.4 GHz

AMD RX 580 Gaming X 8GB (MSI)

Asus Strix H270F Gaming (Sound card - Supreme FX)

8GB DDR4 Kingston

Windows 10 (64-bit)

Settings for recording in ReLive:

Recording resolution 1080p

Recording bitrate 50mbps

Recorindg fps 60

Encoding type avc

Audio bitrate 192kbps

Best regards!

21 Replies
Adept I

I'm having the same issue as well. I've tried the fixes as noted in other posts but the issue still occurs. I don't want to have to use OBS but it looks like I'll have to resort to it. It worked fine before the adrenaline drivers were released.....

I try with OBS and i still have the same issue. I hope this issue is not caused by meltdown, spectre bug patch slowdown since i use intel processor.

Adept III

finally someone who has my same problem !! it seemed absurd to be practically the only one in here, it's weeks, exactly from 1.18 that I have this annoying problem, for more than a month it is practically impossible for me to work with video of the games

Journeyman III

Did anyone try to re-install windows? It's the only thing i didn't.


the only solution at the moment is to disable the Relive and not use it, without the activated program the system returns to work fine, a solution is probably to update the old drivers before 1.18, where everything worked properly, change windows or reinstall it I do not even think about doing it for a stupid wrong update by the AMD


I've reinstalled Windows and don't have any issues with OBS doing the same thing. It's a shame they release the software then seem to ignore all the people who have this issue with said software..... I've seen so many other people with exact same problem and no one from AMD has given any legitimate input to resolve the problem.

Journeyman III

O.K. Can you put some tutorial how you set up OBS for working properly(bitrate, sound, resolution, ect.)?


Hey Nexquick, This guide :white_heavy_check_mark: OBS Studio - Ultimate Guide to Streaming to Twitch 2017 [BEST SETTINGS] - Y...  is the exact one I use for setting up OBS. There are hundreds if not thousands of video tutorials but this guy goes into it step by step! If you click on his channel (linked below) you'll see all the videos listed for almost ANYTHING you could ever want to know about setting up OBS and adding other features!!!

Here's the link to his channel. Gaming Careers - YouTube

Hope this helps!!!

J 😃

Thanks. I wiil try it.

Maybe this older thread from AMD Forum might help fix your Relive sync problems. Maybe not but doesn't hurt to try.: AMD Relive Audio Sync FIX (UPDATED)


elstaci, I already tried that as have lots of others and it didn't work and no one from AMD seems to care whether or not the issue gets resolved.


Has anyone reported this thru the AMD Issue Reporting Form​ or by Email Form . Posting it here at the Forum doesn't let AMD Support know there is a problem.


Yes, I did that also with no luck.


have you tried 44100Hz instead 48000 Hz?


I've tried every advanced quality setting from DVD (48,000) down to Telephone (8,000) and the issue still occurs.

Journeyman III

In release notes from version 18.3.3 is say "Some Radeon ReLive recorded clips may experience corruption or audio distortion when played back."

I must say that i still have issues with sound delay. How about other people? Does anyone still have problems with audio?


here, I continue to have problems when relive is active and is used once when I go back to the destkop if you navigate quietly between folders or browsers will start the audio problems with flapping sound, so I still can not use the clip recording function offered by Relive

I must say however that with the 1.18.3 the audio of the clips is back to be perfect, as I said before the problem arises when I finish using it while still active in the desktop


If i understand you correctly, you have problems when you recording desktop but when you recording games you don't have problems? Sorry if i didn't understand you correctly!


nono, the system works, when I play and record a clip in game everything works, it's when I go back to the windows once used in the game that the audio problems start simply browsing through folders or in Video from Youtube or other


other thing, every time you activate the replay of the clips the CPU has a 10% more work, turning off returns normal

Journeyman III

I have sound delay issue in some games (like The Division, Darksiders ...), but in also test it on Helldivers and there is no sound problems. Still, in Darksiders i also have performance issue (frame rate drop for few seconds). In The Division i don't have performance issue but sound delay for half second.