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PC Drivers & Software

Adept II

Ragnarok Online still does not work [SOLVED]


Seriously, is the company going to ignore and pretend the problem doesn't exist? This is ridiculous.. They didn't even put this on Known issues.. I'm being forced to use the driver 17.22 (which doesn't even have Relive) to play the game i want..

3 Replies
Adept II

Well, for anyone still having this problem, i found a fix. Just go to the game's setting folder and delete the file dbghelp.dll. I don't know how this conflicted with the newer drivers from AMD but at least it's done and i have 1 less problem to fix.

I found that this helped me, but let me clarify, you need to move or remove the file from the folder.

For me, it was in the Ragnarok Online folder where the client is installed to.  For example, find "Raganrok.exe" and the .dll will be in the same folder.  Once you find it, you could either delete it, or move it to a different folder, just in case something breaks without it.  Thanks to kayderim for discovering this.

I have been trying to solve it for 5 hours with what they say in the forums, and you just had to move a file, thank you very much bro