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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Radeon settings will not load profiles from older driver versions, and the FAN Control settings have been seriously " Degraded " V 18.12.3

Upon install the driver does what new drivers for Vega 64 often times do. It creates " instability and quirkiness on the Radeon settings display, refusing for a while to display fan RPMs and Temps for the second card in the system. The old Radeon settings profiles will NOT LOAD correctly and the software interface, especially regarding fan control has been made much more difficult to use and duplicate from card to card, the same settings. The OLD Fan control was logical, the new one is NOT.

Why do software engineers insist on constantly attempting to change things that are working just fine? The Radeon settings interface should be FULLY backwards compatible across ALL driver versions. Updates always invite problems that waste tons of time.

2 Replies

You will have to be more clear...what is your question? What 'old' profile settings? Are you installing the newer drivers over the old drivers? Or are you deleting the old drivers and then installing the new drivers? Is this a laptop? Please take a screenshot of the fan controls that are confusing you and post it



I am not asking any questions other than what is quite obvious, as in unnecessary interface changes and lack of backward compatibility on RADEON SETTINGS.

I said the driver of the number shown at the top is loaded with flaws, which it for sure is.

The fan control settings are not confusing, they are DEGRADED and NONSENSICAL from the former interface in Radeon settings. Formerly they worked well. In the driver version stated they have been altered in a BAD WAY.

BEST SOLUTION = ROLL BACK to former drivers and everything works again.