Hi I've recently updated my AMD software and experiencing multiple issues
- Hotkeys don't work
- In-game overlay doesn't work as well
- "Graphics" tab in the settings section runs very slow (sometimes AMD Software isn't responding)
- Also, when I launch the app it doesn't display in fullscreen mode like before but windowed and a part displays out of the screen
I've tried:
- Factory reset
- Executing as Administrator
- Clean uninstall and install again (including drivers)
- Restore Windows 10
My graphic card is AMD Radeon 7800 series
I have an Intel processor: i5-6500
Windows version is Windows 10 Pro 21H2 (build 19044.1706)
(I've also recently changed my monitor)
The AMD Radeon 7800 series has been moved to legacy status over a year ago and the Adrenalin 22.5.1 driver package is not supported on that product.
Hi, thanks for your answer.
I'll try to install an older version.
I'm a little bit surprised cause the 22.5.1 version was recommended by the auto-updater, that's why I installed it.
I've just roll back to the 21.5.2 version and I have still the same issues as in the 22.5.1 version
21.5.2 is a newer version, you didnt roll back, you actually updated
Oh, my bad, I clean installed it again, and now I'm using the 21.4.1 (WHQL) version, the one which is recommended for my graphic card. I'm still having trouble while trying to use AMD Software
I've just noticed that when I change a setting in the graphic tab it takes a long time to switch to enabled and sometimes makes weird sounds
There is also the metrics overlay which doesn't work
So use Display Driver Uninstaller, and install an earlier version of amd software.
I already used DDU.
But do I need to try every earlier driver and AMD Software version to resolve the problem?
Yes. Possibly have to go a lot further down to the past drivers.
Ok, I'll try that, thanks for the answer.
I just figured out that I have two display drivers, one is AMd and the other is Intel as shown below
In my Task Manager, it seems like it's only the intel one that is working
I tried to uninstall but it always reinstalls or Windows put a "Basic Windows adapter"
Any ideas?
when you used DDU in safe mode it turned off windows installing gpu driver.
that way it won't install anything, and you can do it yourself.
Turn off Intel in the bios.
the problem is that the iGPU is already disabled 😞
I've also tried to change my monitor but it didn't work, I had the same issues: AMD Adrenalin running slow (sometimes crashes) and overlay doesn't work
Do you have a Radeon HD 7850? or a Radeon HD 7870?
it's a Radeon HD 7800
It's either a 50 or 70 no such thing as 7800.
How can i know it ?
Download GPU-Z and use the 'Lookup' button, should show you. Or download Speccy is another app.
Thanks, it worked:
It's a 7850
There is plenty of old drivers to choose from: https://www.amd.com/en/support/previous-drivers/graphics/amd-radeon-hd/amd-radeon-hd-7000-series/amd...
usd DDU in safe mode between installs.
Ok, I'll try that, if one says that I can update I have to stay on the current version right?
Ignore what it says if it works it works.