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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

PLS Help Update to 19.1.1 Wattman crashes the Win 10 System

Hallo, i updated from 18.12.3 to 19.1.1 all was fine. Then i was Playing a Game (MWO) and since that ma System Crashes after 5 Mins with the Massage that the Wattman hav a failure and reset settings.P67A-C4

I uninstall Radeon Adrenalin 19.1.1 and install the 18.12.3 Version. But the System isCrashing and crashing by the same failure.

When i deinstall and take no drivers it runs well!

System Windows 10
i5 3570
16 GB Ram
Saphiere rx590

3 Replies
Adept I

Its seem when i deaktivate the zero RPM it will dont crash at time.

I have delet all drivers, update, downgrade and clean with DDU.

The only thing i didnt can make is to restor a older point of the system. so i dont have set one.

EDIT: After i have played a littel bit with manual settings and put zero RPM on again, it dont take the settings. Its seems that the wattman hold the settings in ther from previus. or let say the settings are freezt in the regestrie i thing. its not logical!

After i install the driver new zero RPM works again, but when the GPU hits the 48 - 49° the System Shut down!

best reguards


Ok, after 18 Houers of reading and testing i have a solusion for my Problem.....  I dont know wy i dont get the ZeroRPM to run again. But i know my PSU it is 100% not!

When you install the Drivers dont go in Wattman and Setup  it. After it, its will not runs again. Or after the Update to 19.11 in my case.

Hier you find my Settings in a Video how i get it.
Manual Fan
Dynamic Memory
disabel ZeroRPM
manual Frequenzi with given Numbers....

Have fun with the amazing Card!

AMD RX590 Nitro+ Special Edition - How to FIX Wattman Crash the System - YouTube

Adept II

Hey alot of ppl have same issue with World of Warcraft, this driver 19.1.1 seems to have rly alot of bugs!!! Should have been beta driver -.-