Hi, i'm getting random pz freezes with all current versions of drivers, 18.3XX, PC just hands, no BSOD, not mindump nothing, last thing in event log before I have to power the PC off with the button is:
File System Filter 'npsvctrig' (10.0, 2070-05-05T15:38:28.000000000Z) has successfully loaded and registered with Filter Manager.
I've had this before with earlier drivers using an RX480, I swapped to an RX550 and the issue went away, however i've had to swap to a RX460 as the 550 was too slow, now getting this issue again,
It started when I put on 18.3.4, it had been ok on 18.3.2 but it now crashes on that one as well. I'm now on 18.2.2 and no crashes yet,