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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Need old Radeon R7 driver

I have a Windows 7-64 desktop with a Gigabyte (GA-F2A88X-D3HP) motherboard.  I use the GPU associated with the AMD A8-7670K CPU.  There is no external graphics card.  I know that it has Radeon R7, but I do not know the sub series or submodel.

I made the mistake of selecting upgrade from the taskbar icon.  It tried to load radeon-software-adrenalin-2020-21.4.1-minimalsetup-210418_64bit or radeon-software-adrenalin-2020-21.5.2-minimalsetup-210517_web.  Upon reboot, Radeon crashes upon loading and a popup informs me that my AMD driver is missing.

Previously,  I was running version 17...  I'd like to reload that.

If I choose the auto detect software, it does NOT tell me what the model number is and only offers the two driver versions mentioned above, neither of which work with my hardware.

Since Radeon crashes, I can't use it to get the R7 series or model .  I have moved twice since installing this motherboard and no longer have the original box for the CPU.

Theoretically, If I knew the series and model, I could get a list of older drivers to install?

Please advise.  Thank you.


1 Reply

These are the current driver for your APU and graphics. Scroll down on the front page to 'Previous Drivers'