Issue confirmed by Minecraft Developer MOJANG, whom has stated the issue can not be fixed by them, it must be fixed by AMD.
Issue also popping up on Reddit and Minecraft Forums.
AMD must fix this issue immediately, or suffer the consequences of our armies of Creepers being sent to their Headquarters.
This effects Adrenalin Driver 24.6.1
Rolling back to Adrenalin Driver 24.5.1 resolves the issue; but this is not a suitable "fix" to constantly swap back and forth between Drivers.
Also for the record my PC is running a Ryzen 7 7800X3d which is paired with a Radeon RX 7800XT Nitro+.
i have the same issue and same solution with a 6650 xt. in my testing, minecraft turns black when you resize the window or fullscreen it.
the video below shows this happening, albeit with some mods however this still occurs without them.
Yup im also having this issue now, 7900xtx with the latest driver 24.6.1.
and like above me i can start the game small windowed but any attempt to make it larger causes a black out
My original issue has nothing to do with Resizing the Window.
My issue is, Minecraft LAUNCHES to a Black Screen.
I do not even have access to the game settings menu, and therefore can not resize the Window.
that's what i thought the issue was too, but then i did some testing and realized its not actually the launching, but the resizing, but it looks like it's the launching because the game fullscreens immediately upon launching.
i went into options.txt and disabled fullscreen from there so that the game window wouldn't resize or fullscreen and the game did not turn black. then, when i manually resized the window, it immediately turned black, and the same with when i also reenabled fullscreen.
Well that could be a "temporary fix" ... but its far from a permanent solution.
I found another fix on REDDIT last night...
Someone reported going into their Adrenaline Software and adding the "javaw.exe" file, from the minecraft folder, to their list of "games" and disabling "OpenGL Triple Buffering" on it.
They reported that this fixed it for them, so I tried it... and it fixed it for me too...
BUT... again, this is not an actual "solution" and is only a "temporary fix" as clearly AMD changed something in their Drivers to have caused this problem in the first place, which argues that AMD still needs to fix it.
FIXED for me
This is how mine was acting too, all the same symptoms and had to change option.txt full screen to false.
after that I started playing with settings in Adrenaline Software, focusing on ones that may affect scaling and res. I turned Triple buffer OFF and turned Integer scaling ON for Minecraft. restarted the game and now it works in full screen.
I believe the integer scaling is monitor specific so make sure you turn it on for the correct monitor if you use multiple.
Hope this fixes it for everyone else
well that only fixed it till I restarted the launcher, messed with some more setting and now it has worked 5 times in a row of fully shutting down the computer and loading Minecraft launcher with no issues.
here are screen shots of the settings I am using.
changed aspect ratio to preserve aspect ratio also turned triple buffer back on.
In Minecraft changed Full screen resolution to "current"
I will update again if any further issue arise
I have a BlackScreen Problem either, but I followed this is working properly for me
Same issue here;
Os: Windows 10
CPU: R7 2700x
GPU: RX 7800xt
RAM: 32gb 3200mhz
Adrenalin Ver: 24.6.1
Could you please test the most recent Adrenalin 24.7.1?
fixed on 24.7.1 for me
Please fix this AMD
Same issue, factory reset the driver won't help at all
Revert to 24.5.1 actually fixed the issue. But it will have trouble running fallout....
24.9.1 still occur this error after 5 mins of gameplay in Minecraft
My sons Laptop with Adrenalin 24.9.1 had the Black screen issue when starting the game today.
So I found this reddit and just disabled the Triple buffer setting in the AMD Adrenalin Driver Settings, the integer scaling is on = Minecraft is working = son is happy again.
How did you turn integer scaling on?
Open your Adrenalin Software and go to the Display options and then look for the setting.
e. g. a googled picture :
On the Laptop it was "enabled"...
As of 10/30/2024:
Disabling the OpenGL Triple Buffering allows you to play normally again. Currently playing Minecraft 1.20.1 with 100+ mods.
Mine has already been disabled.
24.10.1, and this is still happening.
24.5.1 have 0 problem so they mush have change something that affecting Minecraft
I'm having this issue as well. My set-up is:
Drivers: Adrenalin 24.10.1
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6650 XT
OpenGL Triple Buffering: ON and OFF
Minecraft Java versions: 1.19.1, 1.20.1, 1.21.3
I did find a mod that appears to fix this issue: Cubes Without Borders. It is available on CurseForge for Fabric, Forge, and NeoForge:
I've tested it 1.20.1 and 1.21.3, and I am able to switch to and from full-screen and manually resize the window without any issues. In Minecraft Video options I have full-screen set as "Borderless Full-screen". I haven't had any problems with it so far, and I have added it to a large modpack without any issues.
I hope this will at least help a few people until AMD can fix the problem.
I have the same issue when loading minecraft from my laptop (Asus Rog Strix G15 Advantage Edition) i tried everything and it keeps launching to a black screen even in window mode, i can hear and interact with the menu but i can't see anything.
Adrenalin version 24.10.1
Minecraft version 1.18.2
i don't know if it matters but i'm trying to play from curseforge with the DeceasedCraft modpack
Can you advise your laptop specs?
I have this issue on Minecraft with just Optifine
Yeah, sure
Ryzen 9 5900HX
Radeon RX 6800M
16 Gb Ram and 1.5 Tb of storage (split into 1tb and 500gb)
The current Adrenalin version is 24.10.1
I was able to open vanilla Minecraft just now, in the latest release and in 1.18.2
this is still a problem. i cant believe people say AMD doesn't have driver issues and yet people have to backdate their drivers to have it function for certain things when it should just function for everything.
Same. 24.12.1 still occurs on 6600XT
I can't believe I have to use old driver to get through this issue
Was an AMD Fan but I have to re-think twice when purchasing another radeon product
CPU side, it was the best, though...
Still not fixed 😀👍
Its only been 9 months tho!
Hello, everyone!
For people still facing this issue (pretty much everyone here?) I've created a new topic on the forum and trying to get this addressed.
If you're interested in sharing your experience on there, please feel free to do so:
Also, as a temporary workaround, you can install the Vulkan Mod.
This mod changes the Minecraft Graphics API from OpenGL to Vulkan, fixing this Fullscreen issue and actually improving performance, since AMD works best with Vulkan. This isssue isnt most likely related to Minecraft itself, since it happens to others OpenGL games, so switching to Vulkan API via mods might fix the issue while (we hope) AMD works on it.