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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Livestreaming/Encoder for RDNA2. Will it get better?

So this might be a bit of an interesting post.

I am currently using an rx 6900xt, Don't get me wrong, It's a real beast. The performance is insane on this here GPU. What I am wondering is will these gpus get better at streaming or did I make a buying mistake here? I realized that on Twitch the NVENC encoder is far more superior, even my i7 8700k encoding (x264) is better than the AMD alternative on OBS for twitch (h264/AVC). 

It's a bit sad considering the AVC option gives me a smoother experience on a game like APEX but the loss of quality is immense, the loss of quality being ALOT of motion blur when stuff are happening on the screen, far more than x264. I've tinkered alot with various bitrates, even up to 30k bitrate, tinkered with different resolutions and other settings, fps etc. etc. And It just can't beat the X264 alternative. 

Is there a possibility that this will get better with a driver update? Or are we just stuck with this until the next generation gpus.

Not gonna lie I should've looked this up before actually buying the card, as I am now considering a swap.. Unless a 5800x/5900x would be the same quality as my 8700k when streaming. If they are able to stream with x264

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