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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Is there a lightweight AMD "adrenaline" console that uses built-in GUI controls?

I respect the work that AMD have put into their driver GUI console - it's certainly very well animated and very flashy however as a power user, I find it slow, heavy and kinda bloated.

It feels and performs like an poorly optimised electron application and I dread interacting with it despite both wanting and needing to use the features on it.

I would love there to be a simplified control panel for power users that uses the built in OS GUI widgets. Think WinForms, QT, GTK.

I think there are things we can learn from the NVIDIA control panel as I feel like it took some sensible design choices, though there are areas to improve like an indexed global search for settings and more advanced features.


In terms of UI responsiveness, the Adrenaline software seems to block the UI when probing for settings. Adding settings caching and user indications of loading (done on a separate thread) to avoid blocking/locking up the UI would go a long way towards helping the experience of using the driver software.

If the software was open source, I would be happy to discuss these things there and potentially contribute an advanced control panel GUI. I had considered making a third party option, however I am unsure how to actually set settings programmatically - is there simply a registry entry or config file for Radeon graphics settings?

1 Reply

I'm all for this idea but I doubt it will go anywhere.  I find the Adrenalin menu items confusing, there's two Performance tabs for crying out loud.  I loved the nvidia control panel, plain, simple, easy to find what you need.

You'd probably have more luck with a Linux AMD driver(?)