I am building a Gentoo Linux system on a laptop that has HD8670G graphic chip (from lspci command). The Gentoo list of available firmware shows HD8670A/8670M/8690M. Is it compatible with the one in my laptop?
you mean driver? yeah sure.
but why Gentoo? are you familiar with Linux? if not then you should consider trying easier distros before it
It is a non-issue: lspci shows HD8670A/8670M/8690M. So, we can close this thread.
а как сейчас обстоят дела с буками на AMD А10 и ему подобными? — Linux-hardware — Форум
is all i could find - you may need google translation if you dont speak russian
ps - use "Ubuntu" / "Mint" / "OpenSuse" / "Kali" - these are kind of easier, need less maintance and have such a nice out-of-the-box-klicki-bunti feature xD
I would highly recommend you ask this question in a forum related to the distro you want to install. As many of the drivers are supported by the people involved with the distros. Making a blanket statement as to if something is supported is kinda tough because there are varying degrees of support out there. You might get around the desktop fine, but open cl might be an issue, not saying it will be, just saying better to ask folks more knowledgeable.
OK. Thank you!
What model APU with 8670g ?, or is it 8650g ?
Not sure anymore as I returned this laptop. Please close this thread. Thank